Liubomyr Valivots

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Jan 01, 1970
Debut feature film project by Yuliia Hontaruk. A drama based on a true story that happened in 2015, at the beginning of the war in the east of Ukraine.
Подвійний іммельманн
After the downing of the Ukrainian plane, the crew members find themselves in the occupied territory of Donbas and are forced to get out of there alone, for which they will have to turn the "double Immelmann" with their lives. The mother of one of the crew members, who is trying to help her son escape from captivity.
Пелюшковий торт
Lena and Vitya, both in their early 20s, are two kids who now have a kid of their own. In the postnatal hospital room, like in limbo, their first team project is to wake their son for a feed. As the new parents repeatedly fail, they have to deal with the irreversible changes in their lives and with each other. Meanwhile, the diaper cake silently sits in the room, like a time bomb.
Butterfly Vision

Butterfly Vision

Oct 12, 2022
Lilia, une spécialiste en reconnaissance aérienne, retourne auprès de sa famille en Ukraine après plusieurs mois passés en prison dans le Donbass. Le traumatisme de la captivité la tourmente et refait surface sous forme de visions. Quelque chose de profondément ancré en elle l'empêche d'oublier, mais elle refuse de se voir comme une victime et se bat pour se libérer.
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Set against the dramatic backdrop of the beginning of the full-scale war in 2022 Ukraine, and filmed entirely in Ukraine under bombs, air raid sirens, and military curfew – Sofia, a young Ukrainian singer trying to make it in L.A., travels to Kyiv for the first time in four years just as the war breaks out, forcing her to make an impossible choice between career and home, safety and love.


Mar 28, 2018
Ihor, is bored with his glamorous girlfriend Ilona. Meanwhile, Irina, demands sex of Andrew, for which he has neither strength nor desire. Ihor and Irina demand a sexual experiment - a swinger's party. Meanwhile, Sveta, left naked on her lover's balcony when his wife suddenly returns, is saved by Denis the neighbour. But the evening gets more interesting when Edward appears on Denis's doorstep.