Mónica García

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Para que no me olvides
Irene lives with Mateo, his father, and her son David, 22 years old. Living together is harmonious and happy, but there is a conflict: David, a brilliant student of architecture, has decided to go and live with his girlfriend Clara, a supermarket cashier. Despite its liberal way of thinking, Irene cannot understand such an unequal relationship. However, David finds in his grandfather the necessary complicity to carry out his plans. Mateo is a old and vital octogenarian despite his tough history: he was a child during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), and he lost his house and all his family. But none of that could finish with his energy and desire to live. One day, however, Mateo arrives with terrible news.
Face au Vent

Face au Vent

Nov 23, 2018
Mónica a 47 ans, elle est danseuse et vit à Buenos Aires. Quand elle reçoit un appel de sa sœur qui lui apprend que leur père est très malade, elle décide de se rendre à son chevet, dans son village natal au nord de l’Espagne. A son arrivée, un fort vent d’automne souffle dans les rues désertes, sa mère et sa sœur sont là qui l’attendent. Son père est déjà mort.
L'Affaire Asunta

L'Affaire Asunta

Apr 26, 2024
Après avoir signalé la disparition de leur fille Asunta, âgée de 12 ans, des parents se retrouvent rapidement visés par l'enquête.