Venuše Humheyová

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O princezně Jasněnce a létajícím ševci
Deux sorcières, la mère et la fille, ont tué le coq, annonciateur de l'aube. Résultat : le soleil ne se lève plus ! La bonne fée du soleil demande justice auprès du Roi. Il tranche en sa faveur ce qui déclenche le courroux de la sorcière démoniaque. Elle lance un sort sur la princesse qui, dit-elle, ne trouvera jamais noble qui l'épousera et qu'elle épousera un cordonnier du village voisin. Le Roi, pour que l'anathème ne se réalise pas, enferme sa fille dans une tour.
Slunce, seno, erotika

Slunce, seno, erotika

Apr 01, 1991
The local farmers' cooperative organized a trip to Italy, in which the Škopkovci took part. They went there at the invitation of the Italian agricultural cooperative, whose employees are going to visit Hoštice in return. In addition to the sights, the goal of the tour was also an excursion to a modern Italian cowshed. After returning home, Hoštice and its inhabitants are waiting for a "great approach to Europe" - they plan to improve the neglected village by building a nudist beach. However, as it usually happens, the Italian delegation appears at the least convenient moment. Strangely enough, they like the cooperative's neglected economy so much that they propose to preserve it as an open-air museum...


Aug 18, 2016
A young clerk is delegated to sort out the affairs of a certain property. It is an old castle belonging to the city with a garden, in which nobody is really interested, but the tenants of the property do not pay rent and taxes, do not work and do not send their children to school. Correcting this state of affairs will prove difficult, because it is a family of aristocratic spirits who have so far dealt with scares and witchcraft, but do not know the material concerns of ordinary mortals and cannot imagine such a revolution in their lives.


Jan 23, 2003
Risque jokes acted out in short skits.


Jan 23, 2003
Risque jokes acted out in short skits.
Zkouškové období

Zkouškové období

Sep 01, 1990
Petr Soukup, a student from Karlovy Vary, is tasked with getting support for student protests in the spa city. However, Petr’s attention is rather absorbed in his relationships with students Zuzana and Martina as well as by the plight of a friend – single mother Jiřina who is making ends meet through sex work.