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The long excuse

The long excuse

Oct 14, 2016
Natsuko et Yuki, deux femmes au foyer amies depuis leurs études, meurent en vacances dans un accident de bus qui est fatal à tous ses passagers. Le mari de Natsuko part à la rencontre de la famille de Yuki…
岩井秀人プロデュース「いきなり本読み!」 松たか子×神木隆之介×後藤剛範×大倉孝二
Produced by Hideto Iwai "Suddenly Reading a Book! Takako Matsu x Ryunosuke Kamiki x Takanori Goto x Koji Okura Second installment of the show. Iwai Hideto is the moderator & director of the read-through. The concept of this is a challenging impromptu script read-through. The actors participating will not be notified on the subject prior to the performance. They will be handed the script on the day itself & will have to read it on the spot. The cast read the script of "Sanpo Suru Shinryakusha" (Before We Vanish) by Maekawa Tomohiro for Episode 2.
Parasyte Part 2

Parasyte Part 2

Apr 25, 2015
Shinichi est devenu plus fort et continue, aidé par Miggy, la parasite ayant pris le contrôle de sa main droite, sa traque sans relâche des parasites pour les exterminer et protéger les humains. Tamiya Ryoko le fait suivre par Kuramori, un journaliste freelance, pour observer son évolution, elle-même développant de plus en plus d’humanisme au fur et à mesure qu’elle élève son bébé Cependant la frange dure des parasites, incarnée par le maire Hirakawa et par Goto, s’inquiète des actes de Shinichi et remet en cause la façon de faire de Tamiya.
Science Fiction
Parasyte Part 1

Parasyte Part 1

Nov 29, 2014
Depuis des milliers d’années, l’Homme se trouve au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire. Jusqu’à ce jour où de mystérieuses sphères, abritant d’étranges parasites, se répandent un peu partout sur Terre. Rapidement, les entités prennent possession de certains habitants. Nul ne sait d’où elles viennent, mais ce qui semble certain, c’est qu’elles sont là pour débarrasser le monde de l’espèce humaine. Shinichi, jeune lycéen, est un « hôte » dont le cerveau a miraculeusement été épargné : et pour cause, Migi, son parasite, a pris possession de son bras droit ! Ce cas exceptionnel va déboucher sur une singulière cohabitation. Car au-delà de la fusion physique opérée entre Migi et Shinichi, qui partagent désormais le même corps et la même vie, va se développer un lien d’attachement particulier.
Science Fiction


Oct 15, 2016
Takuto faisait du théâtre à l'université tandis que son colocataire Kotaro était chanteur d'un groupe de rock. En passe de finir leurs études et en pleine recherche d'emploi, ils mettent de côté leurs passions. Ils retrouvent Mizuki, une ancienne connaissance de retour d'un échange scolaire à l'étranger, qui multiplie elle aussi les entretiens d'embauche. Rika, amie de Mizuki et par hasard voisine de Takuto et Kotaro, est également dans la même situation, tout comme son petit copain Takayoshi. Derrière une solidarité de façade, la course à l'emploi que mène les cinq jeunes gens va révéler jalousies et frustrations.
108 海馬五郎の復讐と冒険
Screenwriter Goro Kaiba is horrified to learn via Facebook that his wife Ayako is having an affair. Furthermore, her post about the affair has received 108 likes. Absolutely furious, Goro Kaiba contemplates divorcing his wife, but he estimates he will have to pay her half of his assets, about 10,000,000 million yen, in a divorce. To get revenge, Goro Kaiba decides to use that money on a epic one month womanizing streak. His goal is 108, the number of likes his wife received on social media.


May 24, 2014
Haruo has a dream to become the best magician, but, so far, he is only a marginal magician. Haruo also doesn't have parents. He then goes back 40 years in time to Asakusa, Tokyo. There, he meets his parents when they were young and he learns the secret of his birth.
Go Find a Psychic!

Go Find a Psychic!

Oct 20, 2009
Once a year, on Christmas Eve, Cafe Telekinesis holds a real psychic party. At the party, psychics gather together to show off their abilities while for the rest of the year they hide their abilities. Yone Sakurai is a program director for a psychic variety TV show called "Asunaro Psychic". She is stressed out and tired from her work, but proud of what she is doing. Yone actually believes in psychic abilities. By an audience request a new plan is set out for the program, a plan which requires the show to uncover real psychics or psychic events.
岩井秀人プロデュース「いきなり本読み!」 松たか子×神木隆之介×後藤剛範×大倉孝二
Produced by Hideto Iwai "Suddenly Reading a Book! Takako Matsu x Ryunosuke Kamiki x Takanori Goto x Koji Okura Second installment of the show. Iwai Hideto is the moderator & director of the read-through. The concept of this is a challenging impromptu script read-through. The actors participating will not be notified on the subject prior to the performance. They will be handed the script on the day itself & will have to read it on the spot. The cast read the script of "Sanpo Suru Shinryakusha" (Before We Vanish) by Maekawa Tomohiro for Episode 2.
Gattan Gattan Soredemo Go
Upon the death of her mother, Ito Kana, who is currently working for a living in Tokyo, decides to return to her hometown of Okuhida, Gifu. Due to her traumatic childhood there, Kana actually hates Okuhida. Morita Shinichi was Kana's classmate and he is still living in Okuhida, helping out at the onsen that his parents, Tetsuharu and Haruko, run. Shinichi too detests his current life, but has no choice but be resigned to it, giving up his dreams altogether. During her stay at Okuhida, Kana and Shinichi both run into Kotani Yoshio, a native there who loves Okuhida very much. To Kotani, the mines and the rail tracks are the treasures of Okuhide, and he finds it unbelievable for anyone to think otherwise. For Kana, talking to Kotani brings back the memories of the one happy thing that has ever happened to her during her life there. At the base of the Northern Alps, their encounter with Okuhida's treasures changes both Kana's and Shinichi's take on life.


Jan 13, 2021
One man's only form of contact with the world is an intercom, and he soon finds himself living somewhere between fantasy and reality. His tiny apartment becomes his kingdom in Moriyama's lockdown musical—it's showtime!
It Comes

It Comes

Dec 07, 2018
One man's only form of contact with the world is an intercom, and he soon finds himself living somewhere between fantasy and reality. His tiny apartment becomes his kingdom in Moriyama's lockdown musical—it's showtime!
Delivery Health

Delivery Health

Sep 20, 2020
The girl, who works as an escort, goes to a hotel room where her guest is waiting. She only finds out that today’s guest is her boyfriend.
There is “another Japan,” which is divided into three countries and has been in ethnic conflict for 100 years. In the middle of the conflict, a young girl (Ikuta Erika) was kidnapped and confined by a group calling itself “National Liberation Army.” However, the girl has escaped from them to the outside world for the first time in 10 years. She befriends a girl whose father runs a business recycling artificial soldiers made from soybeans. They meet the group of boys including Harikona (Ryunosuke Kamiki) who has the ability to make flowers bloom. Keeping watch over Kegare is her adult self, Misa. This empathetic play transcends time and space. As past, present, and future get jumbled up, Kegare finally confronts an unpleasant memory that she should have forgotten. (Source: @floren646730)
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
WOW!岩井秀人 いきなり本読み!
Suddenly reading the book! ...As the title says, this is a project where the actors read a script they have never read before in front of the audience. The actors are not told in advance what they will be doing, but are given the scripts on stage on the day of the performance and cast in their roles on the spot. Enjoy this "rehearsal time" to create a "production" that will expand the possibilities of theater and drama! Iwai Hideto is the moderator & director of the read-through. The concept of this is a challenging impromptu script read-through. The actors participating will not be notified on the subject prior to the performance. They will be handed the script on the day itself & will have to read it on the spot. The cast read the script of "Sanpo Suru Shinryakusha" (Before We Vanish) by Maekawa Tomohiro for Episode 2 performed by Matsu Takako, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Goto Takenori, & Ohkura Koji.
Ando Lloyd A.I. Knows LOVE
Le physicien de génie, Reiji Matsushima (Takuya Kimura), décède mystérieusement… qui l’a tué et pourquoi ? Mondialement connu, ce professeur d’Université, travaillait sur la théorie des « trous de ver ». (Trous cosmiques qui rendraient possible les voyages dans le temps). L’enquête piétine et ne permet pas d’expliquer les causes de son décès… Ses recherches sur ces fameuses théories auraient-elles causées sa mort ? Le mystère demeure tout entier ! Toujours est-il que sa disparition laisse un grand vide dans le coeur de sa fiancée, Asahi Ando (Kou Shibasaki), une femme d’affaires travaillant pour une société informatique. Alors que quelqu’un essaie d’intenter, aussi, à la vie d’Asahi ; un certain Lloyd – ressemblant trait pour trait à son défunt fiancé – apparaît soudain. Ce qu’ignore dans un premier temps Asahi, c’est que Lloyd est en réalité un androïde venu du futur, faisant un bond de 100 ans dans le présent afin de la protéger de tous les dangers. Dépourvu de toute émotion, il ne connait ni la tristesse, ni la joie, ni la colère… et l’amour lui est complètement étranger ! Asahi, qui au départ n’éprouvait aucune sympathie particulière pour lui, voit peu à peu ses sentiments changer ; tandis que Lloyd, de son côté, commence à ressentir et découvrir des émotions, pour lui, toutes nouvelles. Se rapprochant et joignant leurs efforts, Lloyd et Asahi vont-ils enfin arriver à percer le mystère et déceler ce que cache réellement la mort de Reiji Matsushima ?…
Hello Hari Nezumi

Hello Hari Nezumi

Sep 15, 2017
Le détective Goro Nanase et ses collègues du "Akatsuka Detective Office" sont basés à Shimo-Akazuka de Itabashi-ku, Tokyo. Les inspecteurs s'occupent d'une série d'affaires difficiles que personne d'autre ne veut prendre en charge.