Ms. Soli Tii

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Who Are The WWP Women?
Documentary interviewing two women in the Czech Republic who were involved in the World Women Project. Finding out why they took part and what the World Women Project meant to them personally.
Survivre à Guantanamo
Murat Kurnaz, jeune homme d'origine turque vivant à Brême, cherche à donner un sens à sa vie en se tournant vers l'islam. Peu après le 11 septembre 2001, il entreprend un pèlerinage au Pakistan pour y étudier le Coran. En chemin, il est arrêté et livré aux autorités américaines, avant d'être emprisonné à Guantanamo, sans inculpation ni jugement. S'ensuivent alors près de cinq ans d'interrogatoires, de tortures physiques et psychologiques, d'isolement et d'espoirs déçus, où Murat n'aura de cesse de clamer son innocence. Face à lui, un interrogateur implacable, Gail Holford, lui-même soumis à des pressions hiérarchiques, qui par de doucereuses manipulations et de fausses promesses tente d'extorquer à Murat des aveux quant à ses supposées activités terroristes...
Who Are The WWP Women?
Documentary interviewing two women in the Czech Republic who were involved in the World Women Project. Finding out why they took part and what the World Women Project meant to them personally.
Who Are The WWP Women?
Documentary interviewing two women in the Czech Republic who were involved in the World Women Project. Finding out why they took part and what the World Women Project meant to them personally.
Who Are The WWP Women?
Documentary interviewing two women in the Czech Republic who were involved in the World Women Project. Finding out why they took part and what the World Women Project meant to them personally.
Who Are The WWP Women?
Documentary interviewing two women in the Czech Republic who were involved in the World Women Project. Finding out why they took part and what the World Women Project meant to them personally.
Mission Backup Earth

Mission Backup Earth

Jan 06, 2015
Mission Backup Earth is a science fiction web series set in the 22nd century and deals with the human struggle to survive a cosmic catastrophe. The series follows the adventures of the survivors of mankind in their efforts to colonize a habitable exoplanet, where they will install the "human backup".
Sci-Fi & Fantasy