Aleksandr Kuznetsov

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Jan 01, 1970
En 2032, après une guerre entre des humains hybrides à l'ADN modifié (appelés rats) et de simples mortels (Rat-Catcher), un père rat recherche une fille rat adulte cachée.
A ravishing comedy about controversial post-Soviet Russia of the 90s with storylines of four friends in the world of the glam-our entertainment industry closely tangled with criminals. The movie savors the final moments of the golden age of Russian clip makers full of easy money, dolce vita and danger.
Heads of State

Heads of State

Jan 01, 1970
A '90s-style two-hander with a high-octane premise involving an odd couple in a high stakes situation.
За нас с вами
Moscow, 1952, mid-October, the XIX Congress of the CPSU had just ended. A communal apartment on Bolshaya Pirogovka. In one of the rooms lives the Petkevich family: Ariadna with her husband Boris and her parents, professor of philosophy Peter Kazimirovich and his wife Angelina Fyodorovna. For those few months that remained until Stalin's death, the family experiences a series of dramatic events. But on a background of terrible time, antisemitism, fabricated "case of doctors", denunciations and snitches, there are people who live their lives without losing dignity.
Les Animaux fantastiques : Les Secrets de Dumbledore
Le professeur Albus Dumbledore sait que le puissant mage noir Gellert Grindelwald cherche à prendre le contrôle du monde des sorciers. Incapable de l’empêcher d’agir seul, il sollicite le magizoologiste Norbert Dragonneau pour qu’il réunisse des sorciers, des sorcières et un boulanger moldu au sein d’une équipe intrépide. Leur mission des plus périlleuses les amènera à affronter des animaux, anciens et nouveaux, et les disciples de plus en plus nombreux de Grindelwald. Pourtant, dès lors que que les enjeux sont aussi élevés, Dumbledore pourra-t-il encore rester longtemps dans l’ombre ?


Jan 18, 2018
Alors qu’une civilisation est en train d’en remplacer une autre, les Scythes ont quasiment tous disparu. Les quelques descendants restants s’affrontent entre eux. Lutobor, un vaillant guerrier, est impliqué dans un conflit fratricide et doit s’engager dans un périlleux périple pour sauver sa famille. Accompagné de Weasel, un prisonnier de la tribu ennemie, ils vont devoir mener cette quête ensemble. Bravant les terres sauvages, ils se dirigent vers le dernier bastion des Scythes, et ce qui semble être leur perte inévitable.


Oct 04, 2018
Acid est un manifeste silencieux de la génération des vingtenaires. Ils ont été abandonnés dans un monde orné de concepts tels que la famille, l'amitié, l'amour et les opportunités. À la recherche de réponses à leurs questions, ils se dévorent comme une substance chimique qui corrode le monde qui l’entoure, pour apprendre finalement à ne pas écouter mais à entendre, ne pas regarder mais voir. Et pour trouver leur chemin.
Why Don't You Just Die
Marteau en main, Matvey est déterminé à aller venger sa petite amie des mauvais traitements infligés par son père. Celui-ci, un flic plutôt costaud, ne va pas se laisser faire. Les deux hommes s’écharpent dans l’appartement familial, et sont bientôt rejoints par d’autres protagonistes prêts à en découdre.
Синдром Петрушки
Since early childhood Peter has been obsessed with the world of puppets, but his greater obsession is with a real girl, Lisa. He crafts his perfect woman out of her. But Lisa isn't a docile marionette. She's a living human being and she rebels against her creator. Based on the critically-acclaimed, brilliant and poignant novel by one of the best contemporary Russian writers, Dina Rubina, "Petrushka Syndrome" is a multidimensional metaphor, where a sense of duality pervades everything. People and dolls, life and art, the Creator and the creation depend on one another. And where does one draw the line between them?


Nov 29, 2018
«Spitak» tells the story of the most devastating and largest (in terms of casualties) Armenian earthquake that happened on December 7, 1988. This day went down in history as the day of a horrible disaster, which claimed the lives of over 25,000 lives and left more than half a million people homeless. The film «Spitak» is the story of Gor, who left Armenia in search of a better life but now returns back after the earthquake in order to find his home. His family. But it's too late. Everything is destroyed by the disaster. and he has to re-learn to love what he destroyed himself. Film-Requiem.


Jun 07, 2018
Leningrad. Un été du début des années 80. En amont de la Perestroïka, les disques de Lou Reed et de David Bowie s'échangent en contrebande, et une scène rock émerge. Mike et sa femme la belle Natacha rencontrent le jeune Viktor Tsoï. Entourés d’une nouvelle génération de musiciens, ils vont changer le cours du rock’n’roll en Union Soviétique.


Aug 26, 2015
A traditional ritual for policemen of one town is the illegal entry into the house of their abuser. The intern, who came to his first practice, must undergo this baptism of fire.


Apr 19, 2017
A young 15-years-old boy, Kid, has been looking up to his older brother, Valyok, as long as he remembers himself. He desires to become as brave, cocky and masculine as his brother is. Once Valyok and his best friend Ruble finally invite Kid to hang out with them. Everything seems to go on well until older guys decides to do barbecue from a dog. What would Kid do and how his attitude to his brother would change?
После Лета

После Лета

Sep 06, 2018
The film tells about the time in which the characters of the movie "Leto" lived. Performer of the role of "Skeptic" Alexandr Kuznetsov interviews Natalya Naumenko, Artemy Troitsky, Igor Petrovsky, Seva Novgorodtsev and Andrey Tropillo about Russian rock, the 80s, Soviet youth, the Leningrad way of life and the spirit of that time. The conversations take place in the real locations of the movie "Leto", where the characters come to tell how everything was in reality, and plunge into nostalgia and praise or, on the contrary, criticize "artistic fiction".


Sep 27, 2018
On this night, no one sleeps in the area. Gray is trying to find a way out of depression. His girlfriend Julia is trying to find care and understanding. Crust's friend in love with her is trying to find a way to be with her. And Krasta's friends Vova and Kostya are trying to find 10 grams of hashish for a party. They are all very tired, but they can’t stop trying. Therefore, they smoke, sniff and drink. After all, if they stop, they have absolutely nothing left.
Leaving Afganistan

Leaving Afganistan

May 10, 2019
1988. Gorbatchev annonce le retrait des troupes russes d’Afghanistan. 1988-1989. Fin de l’invasion soviétique de l’Afghanistan. Alors que l’URSS organise le retrait de ses troupes, le pilote Alexandre Vassiliev est capturé par les moudjahidines après le crash de son avion. La 108ème division d’infanterie motorisée doit alors reporter le retour au pays pour remplir une dernière mission de sauvetage. Inspiré de faits réels, le récit de cette tragique retraite révèle l’horreur et la complexité de la nature humaine en temps de guerre.
Люби их всех
She always has a plan. For each his own. For everyone another name. One needs Vera (Faith), another Nadezhda (Hope). And almost all need Liubov (Love). She leaves every one at his own time. She finds a reason. But who knows where deceit ends which people buy only for the sake of money, and when genuine feelings begin? And who knows who she is: just a kept woman in the capital, or an artful swindler, or a talented actress, or a woman who is able only to love? To love them all.


Sep 16, 2019
A young man's life is set in motion by his friend's suicide. He faces unpredictable circumstances, desperately trying to escape the Hood and start a new life. The Hood, however, holds onto him with suffocating love.
Большая поэзия
“Great Poetry” is about two guys who live on the outskirts of Moscow and work as cash collectors. They’re young, lonely, and all they have in the world is each other. They spend their lives moving money for other people. They attend a poetry class at the local cultural center and watch cockfights at a dorm for migrant workers. Their attempts at finding poetry in the prosaic world around lead them to the conclusion that the only poetic move they can make is to rob a bank. The film isn’t about words or rhymes. It’s about friendship and betrayal, and about our vicious and alien world in which anyone who tries to be honest and consistent ends up looking naïve and cruel. It’s about the everpresent and incomprehensible force that — in spite of everything — makes our life so frantic, strange, and lonely
Сердце пармы
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
Лео и Ураган
A monotonous and predictable life of a supermarket backdoor guard is forever changed after an eccentric drag queen, named Hurricane Rita, with her daring escapades turns the guard's night shift routine into a night of exciting adventures.
Русское Краткое. Выпуск 1
Five unusual short stories. Two heroes are fighting for the heart of a mysterious beauty in the tragicomedy Olesya. In the parable "Milk" in the high-rise kitchen a real cow appears. The heroine of the comedy without the “Not Fit” dialogues is torn between the desire to lose weight by the alumni meeting and the modern food cult. The eccentric Rita Hurricane rushes into the life of the security guard of the Leo shopping center and changes it forever. And the hero of the story "Carpe diem" solves an important question - to lie or not to lie, when everyone around is lying.


Jun 15, 2019
The action unfolds in our days, in the small Volga town of Kalinov, where nothing has changed since the days of Alexander Ostrovsky’s classical play: if any rays of light do appear in the dark empire, then they are doomed to perish quietly in the general absurdity and ignorance, or shine brightly as a token of protest against lie and tyranny. The young, married girl Katerina Kabanova leads a happy life — at first sight. Only her mother-in-law Kabanikha constantly nags her and does not allow her to take things easy. Her weak-willed husband Tikhon loves his wife, but he always sides with his powerful mother. When Katerina unexpectedly falls in love with Boris, the young relative of the town’s mayor, she finds that he also has tender feelings for her…


Jul 20, 2019
Today is Masha's birthday. She finally decides to meet her father, whom she has never seen. It is separated from him by only one door. She hears a childish voice for her and does not dare to call. She can't take the last step.
Свободное падение
In the near future, humanity has successfully colonized space and build a giant orbital station "Delta". Max is a repairman working on the station. After a disaster caused by a proton storm, he is left alone without his crew members, drifting into space. His space suit is broken, he is exhausted, and he lacks communication with people. But suddenly a dispatcher named Anna comes to help. She is the only one who can guide Max through difficulties and get him to the station. Max has to risk everything to save his life, but he has no idea what Anna is up to.
Mon légionnaire

Mon légionnaire

Oct 06, 2021
Ils viennent de partout, ils ont désormais une chose en commun : la Légion Étrangère, leur nouvelle famille. Mon Légionnaire raconte leurs histoires : celle de ces femmes qui luttent pour garder leur amour bien vivant, celle de ces hommes qui se battent pour la France, celle de ces couples qui se construisent en territoire hostile.


Nov 03, 2014
200 years ago, the Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov was born. The young man with huge eyes: his portrait is known to everyone since school. Lermontov wrote poetry, fought, fell in love, and was killed in a duel. Short life of 27 years. But what do we know about the real Lermontov? Biographical documentary-feature film tells in detail about the life of an outstanding person and a great poet.


Nov 16, 2017
A comedy inspired by legends and myths of Ancient Greece, and by the biographies of the most trendy and popular characters of Moscow’s social Olympus. The film’s hero is a Greek, who decides to repeat Odyssey’s journey but accidentally sails the wrong way. He finds himself in modern Moscow, where he gets acquainted with well-known personalities. These celebrities unselfishly perform incredible nonsense, while the Greek immediately fames himself as a problem-solver. And his advice always works, even if not quite the way the customers want. But the main problem which the Greek must solve is his own. He falls in love with Maria, the wife of Moscow’s “Zeus”. And to conquer her, the Greek must first rescue all the “gods” on the Moscow Olympus.


Jan 01, 1970
Sasha, a refugee from Ukraine, flees to New York City to pursue his dream of becoming an actor, setting up camp under a bridge. As he grapples with the guilt of leaving his home and family behind, he gets an unexpected visitor.


Jan 01, 1970
Blessée lors d’une opération clandestine au Niger, MATA, agente du service action de la DGSE, perd la trace d’Antoine, son compagnon capturé sur place. À son retour, elle est affectée à la Sécurité Intérieure du Territoire et se saisit d’une mission de contre-espionnage dans les Alpes : une ombre semble relier ce dossier à l’embuscade en Afrique. Convaincue que ses supérieurs lui dissimulent des informations et hantée par la captivité d'Antoine, elle se lance dans une course contre la montre, hors de tout cadre officiel… au risque de tout perdre.
Zwei Staatsanwälte

Zwei Staatsanwälte

Jan 01, 1970
The film focuses on a young prosecutor who sets out to challenge a system during Stalin’s Great Terror in 1937 after discovering a letter from a prisoner that is a desperate plea for help.


Dec 26, 2024
Yury Dud interviews famous figures, including musicians (mainly rappers), politicians, journalists, film directors, and businesspeople.


Sep 15, 2022
In 2012, the security forces won a large-scale war against drug trafficking. The largest shipments were intercepted and supply corridors from Afghanistan and Europe were paralyzed. But in just one year, a new one was created on the ruins of the largest underground market in Europe. And now modern technology and young geniuses have come here, turning the drug trade into a high-tech industrial industry.
Soderzhanki (Russian Affairs)
A Moscou de nos jours, Dasha, une historienne spécialisée dans l’art fraîchement arrivée dans la capitale, rêve d'une vie nouvelle et meilleure, mais un incident mystérieux et cruel va tout changer.


Jan 01, 1970
Alexander Voronov is a policeman in the village of Hara Turlak, lost in the steppes. To save his brother from murder charges, he is forced to accept an inherited gift — the opportunity to travel to the subtle world and communicate with the spirits of the dead. Now he is a shaman, able to unravel cases that were previously considered hopeless. However, danger awaits him in the astral — the ancient demon Boholdoy, who hunts for his soul.


Aug 15, 2019
A talented doctor, a rich slacker, a good mother and other people whose life looks perfect only from the outside are in an eternal search for an answer to the question of what happiness is.
Better Than Us

Better Than Us

Mar 01, 2019
Une famille en crise devient propriétaire d'un robot high-tech recherché par une organisation internationale, la police et des terroristes.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Land of Legend

Land of Legend

Jan 01, 1970
An epic, visually stunning series based on the critically acclaimed novel by one of the most popular Russian authors, Alexei Ivanov, combining historical drama with mystery and fantasy.


Dec 05, 2021
La féroce et charmante Julie, 18 ans, est en voyage de redécouverte après avoir perdu ses parents et son frère dans un accident d'avion. Soudain, elle se retrouve seule dans un grand manoir avec des voitures chères dans le garage, et, en théorie, tout ce dont la plupart des gens ne rêvent que : la jeunesse, la beauté et l'argent - beaucoup d'argent - mais les biens matériels n'ont plus de valeur pour Julie et elle est forcée de chercher une raison pour continuer. Elle se lance dans un voyage sauvage et mouvementé qui l'emmène de son Danemark natal aux quatre coins du monde.