Nisrine Amine

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Oct 17, 2019
Slam est l’histoire d’un emballement médiatique qui bouleverse la vie paisible de Ricky, un jeune Australien d’origine palestinienne. Lorsque sa sœur Ameena disparaît, elle est très rapidement suspectée d’avoir rejoint l’État islamique en Syrie. Qui doit-il croire lorsque le doute et la suspicion s’immiscent ? Son intuition ou les médias ?
Here Out West

Here Out West

Feb 03, 2022
A baby is kidnapped from hospital by a desperate grandmother. Her flight sets off a chain of events that bring together complete strangers over the course of one day.
Here Out West

Here Out West

Feb 03, 2022
A baby is kidnapped from hospital by a desperate grandmother. Her flight sets off a chain of events that bring together complete strangers over the course of one day.


Nov 03, 2021
Fabulously wealthy London housewife Sammy, is forced to return to the town in Australia she grew up in. But in coming home, Sammy must revisit her past and the events that led her to flee as a teenager years ago.
Australian Gangster

Australian Gangster

Sep 14, 2021
In the Sydney underworld, the lives of gangsters, the Instagram generation, and the glamorous social elite intertwine.
Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Apr 21, 2021
La série est centrée sur la sage-femme Grace et ses collègues passionnés dans un centre de naissance non conventionnel rattaché à un grand hôpital de la ville. Fervente défenseure de ses futures mamans enceintes, l'équilibre douteux entre le travail et la vie personnelle de Grace est sur le point de devenir encore plus chaotique lorsqu'une nouvelle arrivée à la maison de naissance change sa vie pour toujours.


Nov 03, 2021
Fabulously wealthy London housewife Sammy, is forced to return to the town in Australia she grew up in. But in coming home, Sammy must revisit her past and the events that led her to flee as a teenager years ago.


Sep 28, 2023
Quatre soldats australiens sont envoyés en mission secrète dans un pays déchiré par la guerre. Pris pour des Américains, ils sont capturés par des combattants de la liberté et produisent une vidéo d'otages qui devient virale. Lorsque les soldats deviennent des célébrités, ils réalisent que leur capture pourrait bien être la meilleure chose qui leur soit arrivée.
Home and Away

Home and Away

Mar 06, 2025
Home and Away is set in the fictional town of Summer Bay, a coastal town in New South Wales, and follows the personal and professional lives of the people living in the area. The show initially focused on the Fletcher family, Pippa and Tom Fletcher and their five foster children Frank Morgan, Carly Morris, Steven Matheson, Lynn Davenport and Sally Keating, who would go on to become one of the show's longest-running characters. The show also originally and currently focuses on the Stewart family. During the early 2000s, the central storylines focused on the Sutherlands and later, the Hunters. Home and Away had proved popular when it premiered in 1988 and had risen to become a hit in Australia, and after only a few weeks, the show tackled its first major and disturbing storyline, the rape of Carly Morris; it was one of the first shows to feature such storylines during the early timeslot. H&A has tackled many adult-themed and controversial storylines; something rarely found in its restricted timeslot.
Deadly Women

Deadly Women

Sep 09, 2021
This compelling series investigates the motives and m.o. of female murderers. While males are often driven by anger, impulse and destruction, women usually have more complex, long-term reasons to kill.
Mr Inbetween

Mr Inbetween

Jul 13, 2021
Ray Shoesmith "prend soin des gens" - recouvrant leurs dettes, les soulageant de la drogue et des armes à feu ou usant si besoin de méthodes plus… radicales. Ray exige de la considération et ne tolère pas que quelqu’un ne respecte pas son code d’éthique pourtant très clair. Tueur à gages pince-sans-rire, il doit composer entre son business criminel, son statut d’ex-mari, ses responsabilités parentales envers sa fille de 8 ans, son amitié indéfectible avec son meilleur pote et même une romance naissante initiée dans un parc…