The cinematic origin story of William Banks' real journey to Car World – a planet in an alternate universe ruled by Worms who want to have sex with him.
While living in his brothers house, Murph tries to keep his brother and his brother's fiancée from seeing the pictures he photoshops of her giving birth to him.
A sprawling story of love and loss, as reflected on a single face. Tiny pieces that, when cobbled together, hint at a much larger picture. The larger picture being a woman’s life. Observed through the decades. Centuries, even. You know. A comedy.
New York. Après une série de rencontres infructueuses et maladroites, Ben développe une relation intense avec Sam. Au fur et à mesure que l’été avance et que leur intimité grandit, Ben gagne la force de faire face à un traumatisme d’enfance qu’il a longtemps réprimé et accepte de s’engager dans une relation amoureuse.
Clay est un photographe solitaire au chômage qui mène une vie artistique mondaine à Los Angeles avec sa femme Whitney. Cette dernière conseille à Clay, qui stagne sur le plan créatif, de sortir et de ne pas "se contenter de rester allongé dans le salon et de boire de la bière". Ce qu'il va découvrir, entre apparitions et super-héros, va changer sa vie à jamais.
On October 14th, 2018, William Banks was locked inside a walk-in freezer for 45 minutes. The film examines William’s trauma from the incident and his quest for revenge on People’s Pops.
In a dystopian society, two mysterious drifters transmit pirate radio broadcasts from their underground bunker, journeying deep into their own minds...deeper than they've ever been before.
After the conniving understudy of an avant-garde theater group knocks off the star actor, he finds himself in a high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse with Inspector Ike, New York City's Greatest Police Detective.
In a dystopian society, two mysterious drifters transmit pirate radio broadcasts from their underground bunker, journeying deep into their own minds...deeper than they've ever been before.