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Приүсийн овгор
The Prius Boss is a sequel to the 2013 Micron Boss, which ends with the main characters of the previous film, Chicken, Baaya, and Bald, becoming friends. "Prius Boss" begins with Chicken and Baaya selling their micros and buying a Prius and taking a taxi. But a group of car thieves receives an order to steal 50 Priuses, and the adventure begins when those thieves steal Chicken and Baaya's Prius.


Jan 05, 2019
Set in the first part of the 20th century during the Russian revolution's spill over into the vast majestic lands of Mongolia. This epic story is about family, love, devotion and kinship with one's homeland, told through the experiences of a boy and horse whose extraordinary bond to each other and the land gives them the courage to never give up the quest to find the other after being cruelly separated.
Myn Bala, les Guerriers de la steppe
Le Kazakhstan, 1729 : les Dzungars, une tribu de Mongols féroces, avance rapidement à travers les steppes, mettant à feu et à sang tous les villages croisés sur leur route. Conduit par la vengeance et son amour pour Zere, le jeune Sartai rassemble un détachement de guerriers Kazakhs afin de s'opposer à cette sanguinaire tribu?
1242: Gateway to the West
Batu Khan, Genghis Khan’s military commander grandson, was elected commander in chief of the western part of the Mongol empire. Khan is confronted by a deeply spiritual man named Cesareani and a castle in Hungary that halts his invasion of Europe and ultimately causes his downfall.
비밀스러운 아내
At some point, Altanginji appears to the main character, Kandma, who has dissociative identity disorder, and Kandma, who sees the face of his old love for Altanginji, reappears with dissociative identity disorder and engages in bizarre behavior. Tusig, who sees such a wife, tries various methods, but none of them work, and he is threatened by bullies. Tusig lets Altanginji go on a date with his wife, believing that he could be a good influence on his wife, Kandma...
Les Dix guerriers de Gengis Khan
Redoutable chef de guerre, Gengis Khan avait pour habitude d'enlever tous les enfants dont ses conquêtes militaires avaient fait des orphelins. Élevés à ses côtés, ceux-ci devenaient ses plus fidèles soldats. 10 de ces guerriers d'exception sont envoyés en mission aux confins du royaume. Ils découvrent un enfant abandonné et décident d'en prendre soin. Le bébé appartient à un seigneur ennemi : entre les guerriers de Gengis Khan et les troupes ennemis, la guerre est désormais déclarée...
Sharga Daaga

Sharga Daaga

Oct 04, 2014
La steppe, les chevaux, l’enfance et une musique lyrique : à partir de ces ingrédients plutôt communs du cinéma mongol, le cinéaste parvient à composer un conte touchant, histoire d’un pré-adolescent qui rejoint sa famille nomade après la mort de l’oncle qui l’a adopté et élevé. D’abord triste et effarouché, l’enfant renoue peu à peu avec son père à l’approche d’une prochaine course de chevaux.
The Rising Hawk

The Rising Hawk

Oct 10, 2019
L'Empire Mongole est devenu le plus grand que le monde ait jamais connu. Ses armées assiègent désormais une grande partie de l'Europe de l'Est. Un petit village se bat pour la liberté dans le paysage frontalier des Carpates.


Apr 01, 2020
Death comes calling to an old woman, whose children rush home to see her. As she clings to life in the hope of seeing her missing daughter, the others return to their lives. Alone with his suffering mother, one son faces a terrible choice.
Жексон амьд

Жексон амьд

Jul 05, 2012
Hard-earned money has traces of oil Hard-earned money has traces of blood. Hongor nicknamed Dans, who served 10 years in prison, and Ogurtsy, a small-time thief, will be released from prison one day. The person who came to settle the account is a politician and member of the government, Khuzu. He's a very dirty business man, and it's thanks to him that Dan ends up in prison. The other is a fluffy rat named Trap. He remained loyal to Dan during his imprisonment and took care of his home and property. The meeting between Dans and Necks did not go well. Neck sends his gun dogs after Duns, who went with the trap.
Хархны өгөөш
It tells the story of young people walking the long road of life. It shows how evil people in power, taking advantage of the small mistakes made by modern youth due to their reckless behavior, leave a bright black mark on their lives.
Бүгд Найрамдах Монгол Ард Улсын төлөө зүтгэе
During the Great Repression of 1937, the Chekist Darambalsan was given the task of "arresting the person who spread rumors that a reincarnation would be born in Arkhangai province and destroying the reincarnation." Darambalsan searched for and destroyed the reincarnation, but at the last moment, he discovered that the reincarnation that was supposed to appear was himself, and he killed himself for his views and beliefs. The bitter story of the repression is depicted in this film, where one person accused the other in various ways and used it as a political game.
Давхар цохилт
An ordinary young man lives under the guise of a rich man. A female journalist, who mistakes him for "rich," chooses him as the subject of her article and gets to know him. After some time, the rich man, who has lost his memory, learns that he is a thief, and that the woman who has fallen in love with him has gotten to know him better under the pretext of writing an article, and the story of the young man who gets into a "double whammy" is presented in a comedic form.
Мухар гудамж
It is said that due to many factors, such as wrong decisions by those in power, reckless actions by senior officials, cold relationships where people ignore each other, and the wrong standard of measuring everything in terms of money, obstacles and insoluble problems arise in every sector of society, ultimately leading to an impasse where no one can find a solution.
Сая километр
The story of this film begins when a young man falls in love with a girl from a rich family. His friend is good at playing cards and can read people's actions. So he decides to help his friend by gambling and making money. But things don't go as planned and he ends up in debt. The film aims to show the idea that "more valuable than money, jealousy, and defeat is the friendship of friends."


Mar 07, 2014
The film begins with Jargal, a young journalist who writes stories in the field of investigative journalism, creating a fake case for himself with the help of his teammate and minister Badral to find out the truth about a case and ending up in prison. While in prison, he encounters many unexpected events and is subjected to various pressures, ultimately leading to his death. In this way, the aim is to show the immoral and corrupt things that exist in Mongolian society through the events that happen to the young journalist.
Аягүй тэнэг ээ
The film begins with two thieves who have been burglarizing homes for years and are skilled at it. As they go home, unpack the stolen items and talk, they hear a strange noise, and one of them faints from fear, thinking that "the antiques he stole are possessed by spirits." The film's plot unfolds.
Strong Girl Nam-soon

Strong Girl Nam-soon

Nov 26, 2023
Kang Nam Soon a une force surhumaine. Elle a disparu lorsqu'elle était enfant en Mongolie. Aujourd'hui adulte, elle vient à Gangnam, Séoul, Corée du Sud pour retrouver ses parents. Elle rencontre enfin sa mère Hwang Geum Joo. Sa mère est une femme riche et résidente de Gangnam. Après avoir perdu sa fille, Hwang Geum Joo a essayé de retrouver sa fille et elle a également essayé de vivre une vie juste, obsédée parfaire de bonnes actions. Gil Joong Gan est la mère de Hwang Geum Joo et la grand-mère de Kang Nam Soon. La grand-mère et la mère sont également nées avec une force surhumaine comme Kang Nam Soon. D'une manière ou d'une autre, Kang Nam Soon, sa mère Hwang Geum Joo et sa grand-mère Gil Joong Gan sont impliquées dans une affaire de drogue qui se déroule à Gangnam. Le détective Kang Hee Sik commence à travailler avec les 3 femmes sur l'affaire de drogue. Le détective Kang Hee Sik est également attiré par Kang Nam Soon.