Kristijan Guček

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Pod gladino

Pod gladino

Sep 16, 2016
Young lawyer Rebeka is given a case involving the murder of a production designer, and the main suspect is her childhood friend Jana. What first seems like a very straightforward case gradually reveals the dark sides, mysterious depths and stray ways of human nature.


Sep 20, 2021
Boris Robič is, as we say, an ordinary kind of bloke. One evening, however, someone tries to shoot him. The investigations reveal nothing. No enemies, no suspects. You could say that Boris is the last person anyone would want to kill. After the police close the investigation, Boris decides to make his own inquiries. As he searches for the suspect, we see the tragi-comedy unfold of a man who discovers that a lot more people hate him than he ever realized and that the way he sees his own life was an illusion.
9h06, L'heure du pianiste
Le commissaire Dusan est appelé à enquêter sur un fait étrange : une voiture arrêtée au milieu d'un viaduc, au bord de l'abîme et sans passager. A l'intérieur du véhicule, les papiers d'un certain Marjan Ozim et un trousseau de clés. Parvenu au domicile de l'inconnu, le policier reçoit un coup de téléphone lui annonçant la découverte du cadavre d'Ozim. Les images d'une caméra de surveillance, divers témoignages et le rapport d'autopsie permettent de conclure à un suicide. Mais le commissaire reste sceptique. Il décide de s'installer dans l'appartement du mort et découvre des éléments douloureux de sa biographie, proches de drames qu'il a vécus...
Hit poletja

Hit poletja

Jan 01, 2008
A story about the price of success. It reveals the cruelty of the music scene that a young and talented girl has to cope with in order to succeed.
Ljubljana je ljubljena
Oton, a young boy, is growing up while his hometown Ljubljana changes, from 1934, when King Alexander of Yugoslavia is killed in France, through first the Italian and then the German occupations of the city, until the arrival of Communism.
Nekoč v Posočju

Nekoč v Posočju

Oct 24, 2024
The film tells the story of the Old Faith in the Soča Region. While the time of the religion’s origin remains unknown, the only documented fact about this is that in 1331, the bringers of a new religion (Christianity) came from Čedad, initiating a violent Christianisation of the Soča region. This was a long and extremely violent process.
Čista desetka

Čista desetka

Jun 03, 2013
Mirko is a typical Slovene of Balkan origin, filled with a lot of enthusiasm, big plans and minimal resources. He posted an ad looking for co-workers who would be willing to work as partners in the company and get food, housing and profit sharing instead of pay. Slowly, people flocked to the house.
Ena žlahtna štorija

Ena žlahtna štorija

Dec 12, 2017
The story takes place in the Goriska region, on an estate worth several million euros, which is also a tourist facility outside the series. The Spacapans have owned this estate since 1715. The current owner of the estate is Berto Spacapan, whose wife Tonka died in an accident.