Based on the career of Juan Manuel Fangio, an Argentine motorist who, in his first season in Formula 1, in 1950, achieved the runner-up; and that then between 1951 and 1958 he would obtain five world titles in Formula 1, driving with Mercedes Benz, Maserati, Alfa Romeo and Ferrari.
The film begins with some sequences related to the youth of Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez, his arrival in Buenos Aires from his native Arrecifes, his law studies and a double frustration, as a writer and in his crush on a young woman who loved another man.
In 1956 a military civic coup against self-appointed Liberating Revolution fails, and in Jose Leon Suarez, Argentina, are killed several suspected to be part of the civil uprising. However survive seven people manage to tell the story.
Based on the life of María Salomé Loredo, a figure famous for her healings and assistance to the poor of the late nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century.
Story about a humble musician who triumphs overcoming his failures and a young woman arrives in Buenos Aires from the interior of the country in search of triumph but finds death.