Mark Miodownik

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L'Histoire secrète du carbone
Tout a commencé avec le big bang et les réactions nucléaires en chaîne qui l’ont accompagné. Formés dans le cœur à haute température – plus de 100 millions de degrés – des étoiles vieillissantes, les atomes de carbone naissent au cours d’un processus "miraculeux" : deux noyaux d’hélium se percutent pour devenir un noyau de béryllium, lui-même heurté par un troisième noyau d’hélium. Éjecté dans l’espace à la mort des étoiles, le précieux atome est à l’origine de la vie qui s’est développée sur Terre. Sans lui, il n’y aurait ni fleurs ni arbres, et encore moins d’humains et animaux, dont les organismes sont constitués à 20 % de carbone.
Chef vs. Science: The Ultimate Kitchen Challenge
Materialist scientist Professor Mark Miodownik challenges two-Michelin-star chef Marcus Wareing to the ultimate cookery competition. Over the course of 90 minutes they cook up some of the nation's best-loved dishes, from starter to dessert, in a head-to-head contest to see who can create the most flavoursome food. Marcus has flair, passion, and experience, while Mark an understanding of cooking at the molecular level and access to state-of-the-art technology. Ultimately the question they will try to answer is this: is cooking a science or an art?
How It Works

How It Works

Apr 16, 2012
Mark Miodownik reveals how the properties of materials are made to work for us
The Genius of Invention
Every time we switch on a light or boil a kettle we rely on power - but most people don't stop to think about the inventions and discoveries that allow us to live the way we do. In an exciting new four-part series for BBC Two, The Genius of Invention reveals the fascinating chain of events behind inventions that make everyday life possible.
Dara O Briain's Science Club
Dara Ó Briain's Science Club is a British science television series presented by Dara Ó Briain which first aired on BBC Two in 2012. Each week, the team take one subject and explore all possible angles, combining it with studio discussions in front of a live audience, films and on the spot reports.