Laila Garin

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Eu Me Lembro

Eu Me Lembro

Sep 29, 2006
The memories of Guiga, from early childhood to young adulthood: his family, relatives, friends, fears, dreams and reality in a still provincial city of Salvador, Bahia, from the 50s to the 70s.
Meu Álbum de Amores

Meu Álbum de Amores

Aug 18, 2022
Julio is a peaceful, uptight dentist who planned his life 80 years in advance. Suddenly dumped by his girlfriend, he also finds out he is the son of a womanizer, a popular singer of the 1970s, and the brother of an intense gay musician, both of whom he never knew—until now.
Um Outro Ensaio

Um Outro Ensaio

Mar 04, 2010
She was blinded in an accident and tries to understand the world in darkness. He does everything to take care of the woman he loves.
Chacrinha: O Velho Guerreiro
The story of José Abelardo Barbosa, narrated from the time of his youth, when he was at medical school, and dropped everything to become a radio announcer. After that, we follow the transformation of his life and the creation of his alter ego, Chacrinha.
Divaldo: O Mensageiro da Paz
Born in the small town of Feira de Santana, in the interior of Bahia, Divaldo has lived with mediumship since he was 4 years old. Disturbed by what he sees, rejected by other children and repressed by his father, the boy does not have an easy childhood. At 17, he is convinced that it is useless to try to deny his gift. With the support of his mother, he comes into contact with Spiritism and moves to Salvador to study the doctrine. Under the guidance of his spiritual guide, Joanna de Ângelis, the young man overcomes the homesickness and the loneliness of the big city and embraces his mission. A few years later, that strange boy from Feira de Santana becomes one of the most important mediums of all time and gives up his personal life to dedicate himself to charity.


Oct 18, 2019
Brésil, au début des années 90. Une série de meurtres d’une rare violence secoue la paisible région de Serra dos Orgaos. Dépassée par les évènements, la police locale fait appel à la BOPE, les forces spéciales de Rio de Janeiro. Deux suspects sont identifiés, deux jeunes frères que la presse surnomme les « Frères Nécrophiles ». Le sergent Téo se lance à leur poursuite dans les denses forêts du Brésil. Mais sont-ils seulement à l’origine de ce massacre ?
Le champ des possibles
Daniel, 40 ans, a été suspendu de ses fonctions d’agent de police pour avoir agressé une nouvelle recrue. Alors qu’un procès l’attend, le centre de ses pensées réside toujours en une personne très sexy qu’il a connue sur Internet et qu’il n’a encore jamais rencontrée, puisqu’elle vit de l'autre côté du pays. Lorsque celle-ci cesse de répondre à ses SMS, il décide de parcourir des milliers de kilomètres pour la retrouver.


Mar 13, 2025
Inspiré par une femme réelle, qui a filmé pendant deux ans, à l'abri des regards, la routine des trafiquants de drogue sur Ladeira dos Tabajaras, à Copacabana, en 2004. À l'époque, le matériel a été transmis à la police, qui a ouvert une enquête et mené une opération qui a abouti à l'arrestation de plus de 30 personnes, dont des membres de la police militaire impliqués dans le gang.
Les Aventuriers de l'arche de Noé
Vini et Tito, deux souris artistes de music-hall, voient leurs rêves de succès tomber à l’eau lorsque la Terre est noyée par le Déluge. Aidés par un coup de pouce du destin, ils réussissent à monter à bord de l’Arche de Noé. Propulsés au beau milieu d’un différend opposant les animaux herbivores et carnivores, Vini et Tito ont la solution parfaite pour apaiser les tensions : un concours de chansons !
A Grande Família

A Grande Família

Sep 11, 2014
The daily lives of a typical Brazilian middle-class family, that are always very close and tries, in their way, to survive the financial and relationship difficulties.


May 23, 2024


Victor a dédié sa vie en tant que policier à la lutte contre la criminalité et plus particulièrement le trafic de drogue. Mais son fils, Dom, sombre progressivement dans la drogue, jusqu'à devenir un des criminels les plus recherchés du Brésil.
Sob Pressão

Sob Pressão

Jul 07, 2022
Inside a chaotic emergency room in Rio de Janeiro, a team of doctors are torn between their internal personal conflicts, the difficulties of the profession and the surprising dramas behind each patient‘s history, in a heroic attempt to save lives...See more


Nov 22, 2023


‘The End’ chronicles the passing of time in friendships and romances. The story is told through the memories of five friends who have partaken of the pleasures of youth in Rio de Janeiro, from the glamorous 1960s to the colorful 1980s. The five get together at the funeral of the most beloved of them, in the early 1990s. Adapted from the best-selling novel by award-winning actress and writer Fernanda Torres. The author herself has adapted the novel for television, diving into profound issues, such as aging and death. Always with Torres’ own celebrated brand of elegant, witty humor. The cast features a number of award-winning, household Brazilian actors.
Programa do Jô

Programa do Jô

Mar 28, 2016
Programa do Jô is a Brazilian late-night talk show broadcast by Rede Globo since April 3, 2000. It is shown after the late-night news bulletin, Jornal da Globo. The program is hosted by Brazilian comedian, author and musician Jô Soares, and follows the format of American talk shows such as Late Show with David Letterman. It began its life as Jô Soares Onze e Meia in 1988 on SBT. Following Jô Soares' return to Globo in 2000, the show was renamed as Programa do Jô, retaining the same format and late-night time slot. The show usually features interviews with 3 guests and a live musical performance. Usually, if one of the guests is a musician or band, they return to perform at the end of the show. There are also occasions when the first guest stays on to continue the interview past the first commercial break, in which case the show only features 2 interviews. In most cases, the interviews are longer and more in-depth than those on Letterman's show.
Rock Story

Rock Story

Jun 05, 2017
Gui is a former rock star who struggles to reinvent himself in his professional and personal lives after another artist steals his fame and his wife. Imperfect, careless, but with a giant heart, he will be tested by fate while having the opportunity to change his life by finding out about a teenage son and facing a new and unexpected love affair. But in order to change his own story, he will have to make the right choices he did not make in the past.


Dec 13, 2019
Between comings and goings in time, over 8 decades, the story of a poor country girl who fulfills the dream of becoming a great star, always in search of her truth.
L'Inspiration du cœur
La carrière solo de Deusa affecte sa relation avec Tadeu. Eva cherche une grande voix pour interpréter ses chansons. Leurs rêves musicaux ne tardent pas à se télescoper.


Aug 14, 2020


3% nous plonge dans une société dystopique divisée en deux : d’un côté les riches (3% de la population) et de l’autre les pauvres. Pour pouvoir accéder à la plus haute strate, les participants n’auront le droit qu’à une seule chance et se départageront autour d’épreuves. Mais seulement 3% d’entre eux arrivera au bout…


Aug 28, 2015
In Ambitious Women, all levels of ambition are revealed in a plot full of greed, revenge and struggle for power, through the conflicts of three strong women with very different personalities.