Danny Jacob

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Phinéas et Ferb, le film : Voyage dans la 2ème Dimension
Phinéas et Ferb s’apprêtent à célébrer le cinquième anniversaire de Perry, leur ornithorynque de compagnie. Cette journée doit donc être inoubliable et les deux ingénieux frères mettent au point une incroyable catapulte pour améliorer le jeu du badminton, ils l’appellent "l’ornithopulte" mais comme à son habitude, Perry disparaît subitement, appelé par le Major Monogram pour une nouvelle mission secrète. Surpris que leur ami ne soit pas là pour jouer avec eux, Phinéas et Ferb continuent malgré tout à s’amuser et se glissent dans leur catapulte qui les envoie directement… au cœur de l’organisation du mal du terrible docteur, la "Doofenschmirtz Maléfique Anonyme".


May 18, 2001
When an attack on the O.W.C.A. incapacitates the animal agents, only Agent P and his animal trainees can save the day. Carl and Monogram fend for themselves.
Phineas and Ferb: Last Day of Summer
On the inevitable 104th day of summer vacation, the season — and the series — is quickly coming to an end, and it’s Candace’s last chance to bust her brothers; who build huge playground equipment for the finale of summer. She is quickly foiled, but when she goes to return a DVD to Vanessa and finds Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s Do-Over-Inator, she finds an opportunity to redo the day, which results in other consequences like rips in the space-time continuum, the shortening of days and the disappearance of her brothers.
Phinéas et Ferb, le film : Voyage dans la 2ème Dimension
On the inevitable 104th day of summer vacation, the season — and the series — is quickly coming to an end, and it’s Candace’s last chance to bust her brothers; who build huge playground equipment for the finale of summer. She is quickly foiled, but when she goes to return a DVD to Vanessa and finds Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s Do-Over-Inator, she finds an opportunity to redo the day, which results in other consequences like rips in the space-time continuum, the shortening of days and the disappearance of her brothers.
Phinéas et Ferb : La guerre des étoiles
On the inevitable 104th day of summer vacation, the season — and the series — is quickly coming to an end, and it’s Candace’s last chance to bust her brothers; who build huge playground equipment for the finale of summer. She is quickly foiled, but when she goes to return a DVD to Vanessa and finds Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s Do-Over-Inator, she finds an opportunity to redo the day, which results in other consequences like rips in the space-time continuum, the shortening of days and the disappearance of her brothers.
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!
Phineas and Ferb turn the city of Danville into a giant thank you card for Santa Claus because they feel nobody ever thanks him for all the joy he brings to the world. Doofenshmirtz uses a device called the "Naughty-inator" to put the city of Danville on Santa's naughty list.
Phineas and Ferb: Last Day of Summer
On the inevitable 104th day of summer vacation, the season — and the series — is quickly coming to an end, and it’s Candace’s last chance to bust her brothers; who build huge playground equipment for the finale of summer. She is quickly foiled, but when she goes to return a DVD to Vanessa and finds Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s Do-Over-Inator, she finds an opportunity to redo the day, which results in other consequences like rips in the space-time continuum, the shortening of days and the disappearance of her brothers.

Feb 02, 2025

Gretel, neuf ans, et son hamster de compagnie, se voient attribuer des superpouvoirs par des extraterrestres. Leur mission ? Vaincre une série de méchants très variés sans dévoiler leur identité !

May 18, 2019

Milo Murphy est la personnification même de la loi de Murphy qui veut que tout ce qui est susceptible de mal tourner, tournera nécessairement mal. Partant de ce principe, Milo, qui a hérité du syndrome de Murphy, fait tout ce qu’il peut pour éviter toute catastrophe et en faire une véritable aventure. En compagnie de ses deux amis Melissa et Zack, il a décidé de prendre la vie du bon côté… Advienne que pourra !

Jun 12, 2015

Phineas et Ferb sont des demi-frères passant leurs vacances d'été à martyriser leur soeur, à s'imaginer des aventures extraordinaires dans leur jardin... sans se douter que leur ornithorynque de compagnie est un agent secret !

Apr 01, 2024

The series consists of theme songs to various Disney Channel shows, redone by a supporting character of that series.