Vincenzo Pirrotta

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Mafia Mamma

Mafia Mamma

Apr 13, 2023
Kristin n’a pas la vie facile. Son fils unique quitte le cocon familial, personne ne la prend au sérieux au boulot et son mari la trompe. C’est alors qu’elle apprend que son grand-père est décédé en Italie. Une échappatoire ? Peut-être. Sa seule chance ? Sûrement. Elle plie donc bagage, quitte sa misérable situation et s’envole pour la dolce vita. Mais lorsque les funérailles de son grand-père se terminent par une fusillade sanglante, on lui annonce une désagréable nouvelle : il était un redoutable boss de la mafia et tout le monde attend d’elle de reprendre le flambeau. Aux côtés de la fidèle main droite de la famille, elle va, de façon hilarante, dépasser toutes les attentes, y compris les siennes.


Nov 24, 2022
Inside a warehouse in Palermo, a group of people smashes a man’s arm to pieces with a wheelie bag packed with weights. This is the method used by an amateur criminal organization that fractures the limbs of its willing victims before staging fake accidents and raking in the insurance payouts. Vincenzo recruits the individuals from among the down-and-outs that haunt the city streets, where Luisa is a habitué, since she gets her crack there. Vincenzo’s problems suddenly get worse, though, after a series of mistakes shut him out of the gang, and Luisa is now his only chance: he convinces her to have her bones broken.


Jan 01, 1970
La légendaire diva de la scène italienne Eleonora Duse, à travers la dernière partie de sa vie et sa carrière légendaire maintenant terminée depuis longtemps.


Jan 16, 2025
1860. Giuseppe Garibaldi began from Quarto the adventure of the Thousand surrounded by the enthusiasm of the young idealists who had come from all regions of Italy, and with his loyal group of officers, among whom a new profile stands out, that of Palermo Colonel Vincenzo Giordano Orsini. Among the many militiamen recruited were two Sicilians, Domenico Tricò, a farmer who had emigrated to the North, and Rosario Spitale, an illusionist. Having landed in Sicily, at Marsala, the Thousand begin fighting with the Bourbon army, whose numerical preponderance is immediately evident. Under these conditions, it appears almost impossible for the general to breach the enemy defense and penetrate Palermo. But when he is almost forced to retreat, Garibaldi devises an ingenious plan.
Le Premier Roi

Le Premier Roi

Jan 31, 2019
L'histoire des jumeaux Remus et Romulus, fondateurs légendaires de Rome.
Lo scambio

Lo scambio

Nov 23, 2015
A cold-lighted Palermo of the 90's. A single day. Unnamed characters slide towards the fulfillment of their destiny. A story of causes and effects, in which crimes affect not only the victims, but the perpetrators too. And from which no one, in a way or another, will stay unscathed.
Le Traître

Le Traître

May 23, 2019
Palerme, Sicile, 1980. Tommaso Buscetta, membre de la mafia, décide de s'installer au Brésil avec sa famille pour fuir la guerre constante entre les différents clans de l'organisation criminelle. Mais lorsque, après avoir vécu plusieurs malheurs, il est contraint de rentrer en Italie, il prend une décision audacieuse qui changera sa vie et le destin de Cosa Nostra à jamais.
Una storia senza nome

Una storia senza nome

Sep 20, 2018
Valeria, young secretary of a producer, lives with an eccentric mother and secretly writes for a successful screenwriter, Alessandro. One day, she receives an unusual present from a stranger: it’s the plot of a movie about the mysterious but really-happened theft of a famous Caravaggio’s painting.
Frères d'Italie

Frères d'Italie

Nov 12, 2010
1828. Deux jeunes aristocrates, Domenico et Angelo, et un fils de métayer, Salvatore, sujets du royaume des Deux-Siciles et originaires du Cilento, au sud de Naples et de Salerne, jurent de consacrer leur vie à la réalisation d'un noble idéal : l'indépendance et l'unification de l'Italie. Leur combat auprès des Républicains clandestins de Giuseppe Mazzini sera un chemin difficile, très souvent semé de déboires et de trahisons. Un drame historique relatant quatre épisodes du Risorgimento entre 1828 et 1862.
Koza Nostra

Koza Nostra

May 05, 2022
When Vlada Koza, a mature Ukrainian woman, intrusive and caring, becomes a grandmother for the first time, she drops everything and travels to Sicily from her home in the Carpathian mountains to join her daughter... without warning! But the girl does not appreciate her mother's suffocating attention, so she puts her at the door without much hesitation. Thus, Vlada finds herself alone and penniless in the Sicilian hinterland. An unexpected car accident makes her become the unlikely governess of Don Fredo, boss of the Laganàs: a dysfunctional mafia family struggling to survive in the modern world. The irrepressible intrusiveness of Vlada, who loves feeling useful, taking care of others, fixing things and giving advice, seems to bring a hint of palpable well-being within the walls of Villa Laganà... At least until the day she finds out who Don Fredo and his children really are!


Sep 02, 2021
A road movie around Sicily in a red van loaded with "pupi", in search of new oral narrators to tell the other Sicily, the one that awakens through the universal force of popular stories.


Oct 21, 2023
The film tells, through the gaze of a child, the life of the survivors of the Amatrice earthquake who live in a tent city, in what could be called a new community.
Viva La Libertà

Viva La Libertà

Feb 13, 2013
Enrico Oliveri, secrétaire général du parti de l'opposition est inquiet : les sondages le donnent perdant. Un soir, il disparaît brusquement laissant une note laconique. C'est la panique au sein du parti, tout le monde s'interroge pour essayer de comprendre les raisons de sa fuite pendant que son conseiller Andrea Bottini et sa femme Anna se creusent la tête pour trouver une solution. C'est Anna qui évoque en premier le nom du frère jumeau du secrétaire général, Giovanni Ernani, un philosophe de génie, atteint de dépression bipolaire. Andrea décide de le rencontrer et élabore un plan dangereux...


Nov 24, 2022
Inside a warehouse in Palermo, a group of people smashes a man’s arm to pieces with a wheelie bag packed with weights. This is the method used by an amateur criminal organization that fractures the limbs of its willing victims before staging fake accidents and raking in the insurance payouts. Vincenzo recruits the individuals from among the down-and-outs that haunt the city streets, where Luisa is a habitué, since she gets her crack there. Vincenzo’s problems suddenly get worse, though, after a series of mistakes shut him out of the gang, and Luisa is now his only chance: he convinces her to have her bones broken.


Nov 24, 2022
Inside a warehouse in Palermo, a group of people smashes a man’s arm to pieces with a wheelie bag packed with weights. This is the method used by an amateur criminal organization that fractures the limbs of its willing victims before staging fake accidents and raking in the insurance payouts. Vincenzo recruits the individuals from among the down-and-outs that haunt the city streets, where Luisa is a habitué, since she gets her crack there. Vincenzo’s problems suddenly get worse, though, after a series of mistakes shut him out of the gang, and Luisa is now his only chance: he convinces her to have her bones broken.


Nov 24, 2022
Inside a warehouse in Palermo, a group of people smashes a man’s arm to pieces with a wheelie bag packed with weights. This is the method used by an amateur criminal organization that fractures the limbs of its willing victims before staging fake accidents and raking in the insurance payouts. Vincenzo recruits the individuals from among the down-and-outs that haunt the city streets, where Luisa is a habitué, since she gets her crack there. Vincenzo’s problems suddenly get worse, though, after a series of mistakes shut him out of the gang, and Luisa is now his only chance: he convinces her to have her bones broken.
Il Cacciatore

Il Cacciatore

Nov 10, 2021
Palerme, 1993. Quand deux clans mafieux s’affrontent, les rues de la ville baignent dans le sang des criminels et des victimes innocentes. Au milieu de cette guerre des clans, face à la mafia locale, un jeune procureur ambitieux, Saverio Barone, a le cran de vouloir continuer à défendre la justice. Ses collègues de travail le désapprouvent quand il ose dénoncer son propre patron, mais le chef de la lutte antimafia de Palerme le repère et lui propose de rejoindre son unité. Grâce à ses intuitions brillantes, à une série de raids spectaculaires repris en première page des journaux locaux, les compétences et l’efficacité de Saverio Barone dit « le Chasseur » conduisent à l’arrestation de trois cents mafiosi. Voici donc, pour la première fois, l’incroyable histoire de cette « saison de chasse » des années 1990. Il était une fois en Sicile, une histoire vraie.
The Bad Guy

The Bad Guy

Dec 05, 2024
L'histoire de Nino Scotellaro, un procureur sicilien qui a consacré toute sa vie à lutter contre la mafia et qui est soudain accusé d'être l'un de ceux-là mêmes qu'il a toujours combattus. Après avoir été condamné et n'ayant plus rien à perdre, Nino décide de mettre en place un plan de vengeance machiavélique.