Evgeny Zelensky

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Либерея: Охотники за сокровищами
While digging one of the many tunnels for the Moscow metro, Soviet workers unearth ruins of a dungeon. The site is closed, the metro tunnel is diverted, and amidst the bustle no one notices the tunnel workers’ foreman pocketing a little ‘souvenir’ – a book-sized frame made of precious metals featuring an inscription in an unknown language. Decades later, the foreman’s grandson Ilya, who works as a courier, discovers the ancient relic in a pile of old junk. Oblivious to the true value of the family heirloom, he soon learns about it from a mysterious stranger. The relic is the key to the secret location of the priceless ancient library that belonged to Ivan the Terrible. What Ilya doesn’t know is that the search for the lost library has been going on for centuries, and now very powerful people are after him. Ilya and the mysterious stranger decide to try their luck in finding the library.
Дама Пик

Дама Пик

Nov 17, 2016
Once upon a time, the great soprano Sofia Mayer conquered the world with her voice, her beauty and the legend she carefully built around herself. Now only the legend remains — the diva herself hasn't performed for years, nor been seen in the glittering circles of society she once dominated. But the woman who fascinated and thrilled the world for so long would like to crown her career with one more triumph. And she'll use every dirty trick she knows to achieve it.
Leaving Afganistan

Leaving Afganistan

May 10, 2019
1988. Gorbatchev annonce le retrait des troupes russes d’Afghanistan. 1988-1989. Fin de l’invasion soviétique de l’Afghanistan. Alors que l’URSS organise le retrait de ses troupes, le pilote Alexandre Vassiliev est capturé par les moudjahidines après le crash de son avion. La 108ème division d’infanterie motorisée doit alors reporter le retour au pays pour remplir une dernière mission de sauvetage. Inspiré de faits réels, le récit de cette tragique retraite révèle l’horreur et la complexité de la nature humaine en temps de guerre.
Chers camarades !

Chers camarades !

Sep 14, 2020
Une ville de province dans le sud de l'URSS en 1962. Lioudmila est une fonctionnaire farouchement dévouée au Parti Communiste. Sa fille décide de participer à la grève d'une usine locale et les événements prennent une tournure tragique. Les autorités dissimulent la violence de la répression. Lioudmila se lance alors dans une quête éperdue à la recherche de sa fille disparue.