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This is a story about a girl in search of the man of her life... While she tries to find him she asks herself what was the reason of the break ups. She visits all of her ex-boyfriends to find the reason. Later on she starts a blog on the web to keep all the thoughts together. All of a sudden her blog becomes really popular. Will she find the answer to her question? No, she won't. Will she find the love of her life? Most definitely!


Oct 25, 2017
Nicolas II, l'empereur de Russie, rencontre la danseuse polonaise, Matilda Kschessinska, qui a assuré la gloire du ballet russe. Une passion naît entre eux, une passion qui pourrait changer le cours de l'histoire russe. Un amour devenu une légende. Chacun connaît dans sa vie des jours qui peuvent la changer pour toujours, quand surgit l'essentiel. Tu écoutes la voix de l'amour, et tu fais ton choix. Mais si le souverain d'un empire aime une danseuse dont la beauté l'ensorcelle…


Dec 11, 2017
A story about two Moscow young girls one of them is trying to become an architect and other is a beginner singer.
Любовь без размера
Masha is over thirty. Rented apartment, no husband, no children, no lover. A few years ago, she conquered Moscow and shone on stage, but the years go by, and the body is not getting younger, and the size leaves much to be desired. Fate in the person of the “former” takes her to the foot of Elbrus, where Masha meets old acquaintances and new great feelings.
Le Gardien des mondes

Le Gardien des mondes

May 25, 2018
Un jour, Kirill, un concepteur de jeux vidéo en vogue, retrouve une femme inconnue prénommée Renata dans son appartement. Au même moment, il découvre que personne ne le reconnaît plus. Renata lui révèle alors qu'il a été choisi par une organisation secrète pour devenir le gardien des mondes parallèles...
Out of the Box

Out of the Box

Dec 09, 2021
Abstraction about love and search, oblivion and rebirth. The story unfolds in a conventional space that vaguely resembles our world - one scene smoothly changes into another, and with it the characters of the characters and their relationships, music and visual images change.
В спорте только девушки
When three 18-year-old students at a prestigious University - Mika, Kit, and Swift - dig up dirt on their crazy college principal, the hunt for the would-be blackmailers begins. Fleeing from their pursuers, the three amigos find themselves on the women's snowboarding team bus. They have no choice but to put on the team's brightly colored jackets and blend in with the crowd of snowboarding girls. But the clothes alone won't cut it: as diehard practitioners of extreme sports, they are not about to miss their chance to show off their snowboarding skills. The National Women's Snowboarding Team's trainer Svetlana Nikolayevna spots the new talent and invites the "girls" to join the team for the trials in Sochi. The friends jump at the chance of free rides on Olympic-grade tracks and once and for all evading the college principal's goons.


Sep 14, 2017
A police detective is going through different adventures while he is stuck in a little boy body.


Jan 26, 2017
Victime d'un incident, un vaisseau spatial extraterrestre est pris en chasse par des avions russes, qui parviennent finalement à l'abattre. Le vaisseau s'écrase dans la banlieue de Moscou et les survivants, bien que pacifiques, sont traqués et parqués par l'armée moscovite. Une écolière parvient à sauver et à cacher l'un des extraterrestres. Et bientôt, toute la population commence à émettre des doutes sur les motivations des aliens et la nécessité de les enfermer.
Ühemõõtmeline mees

Ühemõõtmeline mees

Jan 01, 1970
Raul's father Viktor, a Soviet-era Estonian militia officer, shaped his son with communist ideology. Raul was raised in a violent and pathological attitude of the despotic father, blindly driven by the ideology. Driven by his jealousy of his wife and her bohemian lifestyle, Viktor, being a high ranking KGB officer, stated her as a predator against the Soviet nation, and one early morning she is taken by KGB agents to an unknown destination.
The Last Fortress : La dernière bataille
XVIII-ème siècle, l'Empereur de Russie Pierre le Grand doit lever des fonds pour mener une guerre contre les Suédois et mettre fin aux conflits sanglants qui ravagent son empire. Le jeune officier Russe Ivan Demarin est envoyé dans la lointaine forteresse de Tobolsk, au cœur de la Sibérie sauvage, avec pour mission de collecter et de ramener de l’or. Mais entre complot et trahison, plusieurs destins vont se croiser dans ce lieu damné, où le froid glacial est impitoyable. Ivan se retrouve à combattre un officier suédois expérimenté dans l'art de la guerre que les terribles mongols Dzungars ont capturé et obligé à se battre à leur côtés. Le sort d'Ivan semble scellé lorsque sa forteresse est assiégée et qu'aucune aide n'est attendue face à la cruauté et la détermination de ces ennemis...


Nov 05, 2015
Managing position at Nastenka Cleaning Service, whose employees are migrant girls from Asia, comes at the Muscovite Kirillov out of the blue. The situation is complicated by the fact that Kirillov is planning to leave for Norway and expecting his bride, a typical European with a rather rigid interpretation of freedom and tolerance, to come visit. The idea that she will learn about the exploitation of "women of the East" terrifies him and makes him prevaricate in order to hide his "harem"...


Apr 21, 2016
Une histoire sur la bravoure, le sacrifice de soi et la dignité humaine a mis à l'essai par la puissance impitoyable de la nature. Un jeune pilote est tiré de la force aérienne militaire après avoir désobéi à un ordre absurde. Il obtient un emploi en tant que co-pilote avec une compagnie aérienne civile. il n'est pas dans les meilleures conditions être brutalement honnête et direct, avec ses nouveaux collègues. Lors d'un vol vers l'Asie son équipage reçoit un message de détresse d'une île volcanique et prend une décision de tenter une mission de sauvetage. Sera-ce un succès? Vont-ils survivre à la catastrophe? Ils ont une chance unique de le découvrir: en étant une équipe et pour coller les uns les autres.


Aug 27, 2020
À quoi ressemblera Moscou si vous coupez le réseau électrique, fermez toutes les activités de fabrication et que le monde entier regarde un match interplanétaire ? À la suite d’une guerre galactique qui s’est déroulée à proximité de la Terre, la Lune a été détruite et les pôles de la planète ont disparu. Le climat de Moscou et de sa population ressemble maintenant à celui du cyberpunk brésilien anti‐utopique : Un énorme vaisseau spatial plane sur la Terre. Il s’agit d’un stade où se déroulent des compétitions, qui ressemblent de loin au football moderne, mais seulement à une vitesse incroyablement élevée. Le nom du jeu est cosmoball…
Science Fiction
Gennady Shpalikov. La vie d'un homme charmant
Gennady Shpalikov. He was 25 when he offered George Danelia a script for the future film “I walk through Moscow”. At this time, Shpalikov was already finishing the script for Ilyich's Outpost for Marlen Khutsiyev! Both of these films will be called the manifesto of the generation of the sixties, the symbols of the era called "thaw". All his life he had dreamed of “The Quay” ... This script was his favorite work. But “Berth” was never staged "..." "There is no choice in the USSR. Or you drink, or you freak out, or you are not printed. The fourth is not given.


Aug 29, 2019
The dreams of passionate street dancer Anton are crushed when an accidental injury makes him deaf. But it is exactly at this difficult time that he meets his true love and finds his vocation. Anton learns to listen to the music that comes from the inside and to create his own music through a dance that will never be the same. He starts to teach dancing to kids with hearing impairments and prepares a unique act with them. He takes great risks joining his former team with deaf kids for a new dance to take part in the World Championship.
На Париж

На Париж

May 09, 2019
An amazing story of tank crewmen who had gone through the war hand in hand and decided to celebrate the great victory in Paris. The friends, who had survived the dreadful experience of war, reached Berlin and set their eyes on a new course in life involving love, breath-taking adventures and their dream town Paris. The movie is based on real events.


Oct 24, 2019
In a love triangle there are always three participants: the torturer, the saviour and the victim, who change roles depending on the situation. There is no room to condemn anyone, there is no right and no guilt. A betrayal can happen with everyone. Margo admits to her husband George that she betrayed him with her student Anton. Her confession changes the life of three people. At first it seems that it is a usual story, but gradually it emerges that everything that happens to Margo has a deeper meaning. She begins to understand God, family, and love. She starts to realize how these values correspond with the eastern world, where she has grown up, and with the western world where she now lives.


Apr 22, 2018
In Moscow a Chinese girl is looking for her love, ideal, dream… OK, in reality she is looking for someone to go to bed with. But for some reason nothing works out – neither with the best friend, nor with a girl, nor with a stranger whom she met over the Internet. Can she herself be the reason? Russian is not her native language, perhaps they misunderstand her? Whom does she address in every issue of her video blog? What is in the picture which she hides from everybody? What does the character “” mean?
Гоголь online: Хармс. Мыр
A small but powerful orchestra with strict melodies and rhythms in the spirit of “Avia” unleashes a mechanical frenzy: artists under a thick layer of make-up are throwing replicas from Harms' stories and notebooks. Ultimately, this plotless musical by Maxim Didenko with the artists of the Gogol Center claims to incarnate (literally, from the word “flesh”) the universe of a unique writer, the demiurge of a dislocated reality.


Jan 01, 1970
In December of 1925, renowned American dancer Isadora Duncan arrives at the Soviet-Latvian border, where she makes arrangements for her lover Yesenin to flee from the USSR. All he has to do is get on the train to Riga. The poet secretly travels from Moscow to snowy Leningrad, where he gets caught up in a crazy whirlwind of events. While trying to evade surveillance by secret services, he has a series of fateful encounters. He finds both solace and despair in the city’s criminal underground. Despite the many obstacles he faces along the way, he remains determined to reunite with Isadora.


Apr 22, 2018
In Moscow a Chinese girl is looking for her love, ideal, dream… OK, in reality she is looking for someone to go to bed with. But for some reason nothing works out – neither with the best friend, nor with a girl, nor with a stranger whom she met over the Internet. Can she herself be the reason? Russian is not her native language, perhaps they misunderstand her? Whom does she address in every issue of her video blog? What is in the picture which she hides from everybody? What does the character “” mean?


Oct 24, 2019
In a love triangle there are always three participants: the torturer, the saviour and the victim, who change roles depending on the situation. There is no room to condemn anyone, there is no right and no guilt. A betrayal can happen with everyone. Margo admits to her husband George that she betrayed him with her student Anton. Her confession changes the life of three people. At first it seems that it is a usual story, but gradually it emerges that everything that happens to Margo has a deeper meaning. She begins to understand God, family, and love. She starts to realize how these values correspond with the eastern world, where she has grown up, and with the western world where she now lives.


Oct 24, 2019
In a love triangle there are always three participants: the torturer, the saviour and the victim, who change roles depending on the situation. There is no room to condemn anyone, there is no right and no guilt. A betrayal can happen with everyone. Margo admits to her husband George that she betrayed him with her student Anton. Her confession changes the life of three people. At first it seems that it is a usual story, but gradually it emerges that everything that happens to Margo has a deeper meaning. She begins to understand God, family, and love. She starts to realize how these values correspond with the eastern world, where she has grown up, and with the western world where she now lives.


Apr 22, 2018
In Moscow a Chinese girl is looking for her love, ideal, dream… OK, in reality she is looking for someone to go to bed with. But for some reason nothing works out – neither with the best friend, nor with a girl, nor with a stranger whom she met over the Internet. Can she herself be the reason? Russian is not her native language, perhaps they misunderstand her? Whom does she address in every issue of her video blog? What is in the picture which she hides from everybody? What does the character “” mean?


Apr 22, 2018
In Moscow a Chinese girl is looking for her love, ideal, dream… OK, in reality she is looking for someone to go to bed with. But for some reason nothing works out – neither with the best friend, nor with a girl, nor with a stranger whom she met over the Internet. Can she herself be the reason? Russian is not her native language, perhaps they misunderstand her? Whom does she address in every issue of her video blog? What is in the picture which she hides from everybody? What does the character “” mean?


Apr 22, 2018
In Moscow a Chinese girl is looking for her love, ideal, dream… OK, in reality she is looking for someone to go to bed with. But for some reason nothing works out – neither with the best friend, nor with a girl, nor with a stranger whom she met over the Internet. Can she herself be the reason? Russian is not her native language, perhaps they misunderstand her? Whom does she address in every issue of her video blog? What is in the picture which she hides from everybody? What does the character “” mean?
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The main character is the star of a popular TV series about doctors, actor Yegor Rumyantsev. Having achieved great success, he becomes an egoist and does not notice the feelings and experiences of those around him: he does not come to the shooting, leads a promiscuous sex life and deceives people. One day, Egor finds out that he has HIV. Rumyantsev's brother Lev is a mediocre and unlucky actor who runs a program about useful handicrafts on the cable channel "Ant-TV". Leo has a pregnant wife with two young daughters. He has no prospects for making money and moving up the career ladder until he gets a chance to replace his brother Yegor in the series.


Feb 21, 2025
The Voice is a Russian singing competition television series broadcast on Channel One. Based on the original The Voice of Holland, it has aired twelve seasons and aims to find currently unsigned singing talent contested by aspiring singers, age 17 or over, drawn from public auditions.