Kent Adamson

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The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Often called the worst director in the history of cinema, Ed Wood is nevertheless a beloved figure among cult-film aficionados for his oddball productions. This documentary takes a look back at Wood's unique career at the margins of 1950s Hollywood, speaking to those who loved him and hated him. Bela Lugosi Jr. discusses his father's work in the abysmal "Plan 9 From Outer Space," while a Baptist reverend recalls how he was tricked into financing the film.
Les monstres de la mer
Une compagnie scientifique élève des saumons génétiquement modifiés. Par un coup de malchance, ces poissons se retrouvent dévorés par des cœlacanthes, qui se mettent à muter en hommes-poissons voraces et envahissent le port du coin.
Room for Rent

Room for Rent

May 03, 2019
Lonely widow Joyce rents out a room in her house and becomes dangerously obsessed with one of her guests.