Le film est basé sur une nouvelle du célèbre écrivain Stoviet qui a servi sur le front, Emmanuil Kazakevich "Deux dans la steppe" et les journaux de guerre de Konstantin Simonov.
The film is inspired by the record-breaking solo trip around the globe in a hot-air balloon made by the world-famous Russian explorer Fedor Konyukhov in July of 2016. Throughout his remarkable life, Konyukhov has proven time and time again that willpower, perseverance and faith can help overcome fear and doubt, and lead a person to triumph.
L’explorateur Jonathan Green reçoit l’ordre de Pierre Ier le Grand de dessiner la carte de l’Est de la Russie. Après un long voyage, il arrive en Chine et fait de drôles de rencontres avec des créatures étranges, des princesses chinoises et affronte des maîtres d’arts martiaux et le Roi Dragon.
The action takes place from April to December 1986. The Ukrainian department of the KGB of the USSR becomes aware of the interest shown by foreign intelligence services in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. To establish the whereabouts of an experienced CIA officer, Albert Lenz, who is suspected of espionage, on the territory of Pripyat, Lieutenant Colonel of military counterintelligence Andrey Nikolaev arrives in the city.