Toneata Morgan

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Death Club

Death Club

Nov 07, 2023
After five friends break into a shut down, abandoned dance club to party and enjoy some vandalism they discover unhappy spirits remain who want to punish them for their sins.
The Faction of a Hitman
When you're a lethal mafia leader, the Five Families ask you to move. You're loyal and in the best interest of the Mafia you move, you take your family, your crew to new city, state. You fight the cops, other mobster. Then you still get ostracized.
Robert Stewart

Robert Stewart

Jan 30, 2023
The story of Robert Stewart, illegitimate son of King James V. He grew up with Queen Mary of Scots in France and was the only one risked his life to warn King Consort Henry Stuart before his assassination.
Rose to Crown

Rose to Crown

Feb 12, 2023
The story of how The Tudor won The War of the Roses and how the Stuart merged the crowns of Scotland and England.
Anna Nicole

Anna Nicole

Nov 21, 2019
She left school at 14, married at 17, divorced at 26, then became a striper and married a billionaire. But she lost all when her husband died. However, when she won 450 million judgement, she became a reality show star. However, when her judgement was overruled by a Texas court, she fell on hard time and met her third husband. Her 20 year old son died then she died. Do you know who did it?
Fast & Furious 7

Fast & Furious 7

Apr 01, 2015
Laissé à moitié mort par Dominic Toretto et son clan de voleur de voitures as du volant, le criminel Owen Shaw gît sur un lit d'hôpital à Londres. Déterminé à le venger, son frère Deckard Shaw commet des attaques vicieuses contre les membres de la famille de Toretto, notamment contre sa sœur, son beau-frère et leur petit garçon. Une aide inespérée leur parvient en la personne de Frank Petty, agent des services secrets américains aux ressources impressionnantes. Il promet assistance à Dominic, en échange de quoi ce dernier devra libérer une talentueuse informaticienne, nommée Ramsey, qui a mis au point un logiciel de surveillance ultraperfectionné baptisé « God's Eye ». La jeune femme est en effet retenue prisonnière par Jakande, un dangereux terroriste, au milieu des inaccessibles montagnes de l'Azerbaïdjan. Le clan de Dominic se reforme donc pour cette dangereuse mission.