Stephanie Salgado

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Apr 13, 2018
Anna a passé toute son enfance dans une pièce unique sous les soins d`un homme mystérieux qu'elle ne connaît que sous le nom de Papa. Il lui fait craindre l'extérieur en lui parlant du Wildling, une créature dotée de dents et de griffes acérées qui guette les petits enfants pour les manger. À l'âge de 16 ans, Anna est libérée par le shérif de la petite ville, Ellen Cooper, mais sa plus grande épreuve est encore à venir…
We're All Alright

We're All Alright

Jan 01, 1970
Two childhood friends in their mid twenties live together in New York City, dealing with their inner demons, come to a crashing confrontation that may change the course of their relationship forever. Amanda, the spontaneous and easy going friend, has found herself in isolation battling mental illness which she holds secret. Jamie, the over planning and result-driven friend, has lost her path in life. Both wanting support from the other, but neither wanting to admit they need help, end up in the living room of their apartment, revealing their bottled up feelings.
Mise-en-Scène des Morts
In a dystopian society where photographing the living is a severe crime, Antoine, a photographer specializing in cadavers, leads a grim yet peaceful existence. His work keeps him in a safe zone until his greatest rival, Jean-Pierre, breaks all the rules by capturing a forbidden image of a living giraffe. Feeling his reputation threatened, Antoine embarks on a journey to outdo Jean-Pierre, even if it means risking his own freedom- and life. Amidst corpses, cameras, and irony, Antoine must decide how far he's willing to go to be the best.