A maximum-security prison goes into serious lockdown mode when a shape-shifting demon with an insatiable taste for human flesh unleashes its fury on the inmates and guards.
Tout une équipe se retrouve coincée dans un sordide motel qui cache un lourd secret... Certaines choses feraient mieux de ne jamais sortir du placard ! A la veille du week-end gay le plus festif de l'année, cinq couples se retrouvent dans un motel gay situé loin de la ville, car ils ont fait leur réservation à la dernière minute...
A satirical comedy spoof of Superman, combining elements of the 50s TV show and 70s feature films, in which an inept superhero tries in vain to rescue his kidnapped alter-ego boss from a hippie-turned-gangster villain.
A satirical comedy spoof of Superman, combining elements of the 50s TV show and 70s feature films, in which an inept superhero tries in vain to rescue his kidnapped alter-ego boss from a hippie-turned-gangster villain.
A satirical comedy spoof of Superman, combining elements of the 50s TV show and 70s feature films, in which an inept superhero tries in vain to rescue his kidnapped alter-ego boss from a hippie-turned-gangster villain.
A satirical comedy spoof of Superman, combining elements of the 50s TV show and 70s feature films, in which an inept superhero tries in vain to rescue his kidnapped alter-ego boss from a hippie-turned-gangster villain.