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Kirjad Sõgedate külast
Martin Puri is an elderly fisherman who is told to retire because of his old age. When a group of people has to be saved from a boat in an autumn storm, Martin understands that one cannot act against the sea but together with it.
Libahundi needus

Libahundi needus

Jan 01, 2005
Liina is a young actress at Vanemuise Theatre who gets Tiina's part in the new, postmodernist version of the play "Werewolf" by August Kitzberg. The theatre is haunted and the rehearsals seem to be cursed, artificial blood becomes real blood. The play won't be complete before the murder mystery is unsolved - and Liina is being taken back to the old theatre legends and intrigues of the past century.
Johannes Pääsukese tõeline elu
En 1912, le premier cinéaste estonien, Johannes Pääsuke, a été chargé de capturer la vie et les gens dans un coin reculé de la campagne estonienne: Setomaa. Il est revenu avec plus de 1300 photos, mais seulement 7 minutes de film. Qu'est-il arrivé au reste?


Feb 16, 1972
Sailing to South America, the sailing ship "Fortuna" gets stuck in a calm in the middle of the Atlantic. Heat and thirst drive the team crazy, knives are already flashing and the wind is being conjured in the darkness of the night. Captain Kihnu Jõnn has to tame desperate men and trade with heavenly forces in order to bring the ship's crew to the destination port, who want to leave him there.


Aug 14, 2008
The first film in the Seto language in the world speaks about the brightest heroine of a small people, the folk singer Hilana Taarka, a woman who lived her whole life as an outcast in a small chimney-less hut; as an unmarried mother of children in poverty, begging her bread, doing odd jobs and singing. She always sang the truth, sometimes bitter, sometimes funny, sometimes cruel. She was feared, despised and coveted. Taarka sang throughout her remarkable life, throughout her fate, from a small Seto village to international fame. And she sang well. Really well. Taarka became the Mother of the Song, a legend. But as a woman, as a member of the community, the Seto people never really accepted her. Taarka - a despised woman and a worshiped singer.


Dec 18, 1987
Once upon a time, a King had eleven sons and one daughter. When his wife, the Queen, died, the King remarried. The new wife and the children's stepmother looks beautiful on the outside, but actually she's an evil witch. She sends the young princess Eliise to live in the village as an ordinary peasant girl and turns all the princes into wild swans. The princes are stuck being swans all day long and only at night can they regain their true form. When Eliise is 15 years old, she learns about the fate of her brothers and now she must overcome the obstacles put in her way by her stepmother in order to release her brothers from the spell.
Nimed marmortahvlil

Nimed marmortahvlil

Nov 01, 2002
Despite peaceful speeches, the army of the Soviet Russian is attacking Estonia, and the country's government is declaring a mobilization for all. Henn Ahas, the son of a poor family, hesitates to go to war.
The Class

The Class

Mar 16, 2007
Dans une classe d'un lycée, Joosep, « l'intello », sert de bouc émissaire à l'ensemble de ses camarades. Un jour, Kaspar, fraîchement débarqué de sa campagne, prend sa défense en interrompant les brimades coutumières. Par réflexe plus que par conviction, il faut en convenir. Mais incidemment, Kaspar a brisé la norme, rompu le schéma sociétal confortable installé au sein de la classe. Dès lors, tout bascule. Kaspar est rejeté à son tour. Les autres élèves décuplent leur haine et leur mépris à l'égard des deux moutons noirs. Et Joosep va se sentir exister...


Sep 11, 1978
A three episode film consisting of three short films: "Promenade", "Poacher" and "Tattoo". The action of the films takes place in the 1930s in Estonia.


Oct 12, 2019
A man falls off a roof. Another one drowns. Another catches fire. Wherever you look, men are dropping like flies. “May God rest their souls,” sigh the widows as they cross themselves somberly. This is the life and the death of the men in Virago—a village where for centuries no man has lived long enough to see his fortieth birthday. Until today.
Armastuse lahinguväljad
When the doorbell rang late night during the Soviet times, if was often the sign of military recruitment. The chain of events in the film begins from the fatal ring at the door, putting the marriage of a young photographer and his beautiful wife to the test. Being afraid of the army, the young family try to escape the situation. However, they are drifting away from freedom.


Dec 16, 2024
A group of women create an organization named "Kättemaksukontor" to fight for the rights of women and help solve murder mysteries for the police.


Dec 31, 2015
Estonian comedy sketch show consisting of parodies of popular Estonian movies or shows.
Klass - Elu pärast

Klass - Elu pärast

Dec 24, 2010
The Class: Life After is a follow-up to the feature film The Class (Klass) and deals with the aftermath of a school shooting. Each one-hour episode focuses on a different character who survived or witnessed the tragic event. There are kids from the class, their parents, the class teacher, a boy who survived the shooting, and finally, one of the culprits in the very last episode.


Apr 29, 2019
A comedy-series depicting an Estonian family in 1980s that consists of a rebel-minded grandpa, two siblings, a mother, who is a member of the Soviet Socialist Party, and her lover, who is there, because the real husband is a captain on a foreign-going ship. Aand they have to share their apartment with a true communist and her son, who is an exemplary militiaman.