Максим Диденко

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Гоголь online: Хармс. Мыр
A small but powerful orchestra with strict melodies and rhythms in the spirit of “Avia” unleashes a mechanical frenzy: artists under a thick layer of make-up are throwing replicas from Harms' stories and notebooks. Ultimately, this plotless musical by Maxim Didenko with the artists of the Gogol Center claims to incarnate (literally, from the word “flesh”) the universe of a unique writer, the demiurge of a dislocated reality.


Jul 08, 2022
Amore more (2022) At the center of the story are two couples of young people with relationship difficulties. Poliamor Georgiy does not know how to explain to his new beloved Alice that she will never be his only one. The marriage of another couple - chef Sergey and accountant Elena - is bursting at the seams: after the pandemic, Sergey's business collapsed, he fell into a deep depression and wants - literally - nothing. Georgiy proposes a plan to his wife Elena: together they open a bar called AMORE MORE, where they will hold parties for couples. Sergey will return to work, Alisa will be able to reconsider her attitude towards polyamory. But the plan collapses - real feelings interfere in the matter.