Rallén Montenegro

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Mar 03, 2023
Dans les forêts du sud du Chili, une jeune Mapuche nommée Sayen, décide de traquer les mercenaires qui ont tué sa grand-mère. En se servant de sa formation, elle arrive à survivre et à prendre sa revanche sur ces intrus. Elle doit choisir entre renoncer et protéger, non seulement la sienne, mais d'autres tribus indigènes de l'entreprise malveillante qui menace leurs terres et leur gagne-pain.
Sayen: La Route asséchée
Sayen doit se confronter à la rudesse du desert d'Atacama. Elle fait équipe, à contrecoeur, avec Quimal, qui doit rétablir la réputation de son père et sauver son village de la sécheresse en raison de l'exploitation abusive de l'eau par Acteon.
Sayen : La Chasseresse
Consciente qu'elle ne peut pas vaincre Fisk seule, Sayen fait équipe avec un groupe de résistants clandestins qui a un plan visant à dénoncer et mettre fin, une bonne fois pour toutes, au pillage incontrôlé de Fisk.
La isla de los pinguinos
Chile 2006, a country that maintains the same public policies of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. After 16 years in a state of democracy, young chileans still do not see any changes in the education system, so they decide to manifest in the streets starting a movement that finally manages to mobilize a nation.


Oct 09, 2020
Folil, "root" in mapunzungun, is an invitation to question the relationship of humanity with nature; the way we think about it and inhabit it. Two young Mapuche people from the communities of Pukura and Traitraico, in southern Chile, face the difficulty of protecting the forest in order to continue collecting wild mushrooms, their food and medicine. The territory itself and the affected Mapuche communities are making the world aware of their problems, where the language of nature faces the paradoxes of development.
Algún día las raíces
Matías (23) must go to convince some Mapuche communities to recover territories that the Chilean state has stolen from them. During the trip they warn him that the police are following him. Before recovering the territory, Matías learns that one of his friends is giving information to the police.


Oct 09, 2020
Folil, "root" in mapunzungun, is an invitation to question the relationship of humanity with nature; the way we think about it and inhabit it. Two young Mapuche people from the communities of Pukura and Traitraico, in southern Chile, face the difficulty of protecting the forest in order to continue collecting wild mushrooms, their food and medicine. The territory itself and the affected Mapuche communities are making the world aware of their problems, where the language of nature faces the paradoxes of development.
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Dec 27, 2021
After the death of a teenager in a children's shelter house, a lawyer discovers endless irregularities, errors and horrors within the institution that will shake political power.