Blanca Vivancos

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We Are Living Things

We Are Living Things

Sep 05, 2021
Solo­mon, immi­gré mexi­cain sans-papier, vit et tra­vaille dans une recy­cle­rie de New York. Per­sua­dé que sa mère dis­pa­rue a été enle­vée par des extra­ter­restres, il s’est construit un radio téles­cope afin d’intercepter d’éventuelles com­mu­ni­ca­tions venues de l’espace. Il ren­contre par hasard la sédui­sante Chuyao, une employée féti­chiste d’un salon de manu­cure en situa­tion irré­gu­lière, qui par­tage elle-aus­si un inté­rêt per­son­nel pour les ovnis. Après une vio­lente alter­ca­tion avec le petit-ami mal­frat de cette der­nière, les deux lais­sés-pour-compte prennent la fuite vers l’Ouest en quête de vérité.


Aug 24, 2018
Set in 1932, at the height of prohibition and the growing American eugenics movement, the state of Vermont passes a law allowing for sexual sterilization of "idiots, imbeciles, feeble minded or insane persons likely to procreate." Dormancy follows a young woman and her new husband who work the land and earn a small income herding sheep and working with lumber. The couple is lured into a rural clinic where they subjected to the sadistic goals of the doctors and eugenics field workers. For this modest family, life will never be quite the same...


Apr 27, 2018
Olivia works the late shift at the local Exit Bureau, where she spends her nights convincing people to end their lives for society's greater good. One evening, after her supervisor issues a chilling ultimatum, her world begins to fall apart.
Science Fiction


Dec 10, 2018
Story of displacement, power, and vulnerability told through the relationship between a hostess, the bartender she loves, and the boss who controls them. The story is set in the underworld of the New York City's Japanese Diaspora.