Yury Pimkin

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Le Souffle

Le Souffle

Sep 18, 2014
Un homme et sa fille vivent dans une ferme isolée des steppes kazakhes. Alors que deux garçons se disputent le cœur de la fille, une menace arrive.
72 метра

72 метра

Feb 12, 2004
The film begins in the 1980s Soviet Union. Two best friends, Orlov and Muravyev, are serving at the Black Sea Navy Base in Sevastopol, Crimea. Both fall in love with one beautiful girl Nelly, and their friendship suffers a first blow. Because she picks Muravyev, his friend Orlov struggles with an inferiority complex and becomes a secretive alcoholic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, both friends are transferred to the Northern Fleet on the Polar Ocean. One day their sub is performing a routine training. A disturbed WWII mine slowly moves on a collision course with the sub. A mighty blast knocks down everyone inside the wrecked sub, 72 meters below the sea level. Then ensues a nerve-racking struggle for survival.
Капитан Голливуд
In the summer of 1999, in one of the cities in southern Russia, a terrorist act took place - the explosion of a residential building. The investigation into this case is led by an FSB operative, Captain Andrei Vereshchagin, nicknamed Captain Hollywood.


Mar 26, 2006
Marina (Alyona Babenko) is a journalist contemplating retiring, bored of writing stories of serial killers and murders that are front page news one day, and then are quickly forgotten the next. At a large house a lawyer is holed up, police are in the front garden, snipers on the roof and the lawyer asks for Marina. She’s a little surprised by this as she and the lawyer have only crossed paths a few times during her career, but agrees to go to the lawyers house. Arriving at the house she’s confronted by the large police presence, she’s given a quick debrief of the situation and requested not to go into the house. She declines and enters the house. Just inside the front door is the lawyers wife, she tell Marina that he’s lost it and locked the children in their rooms and that he’s going to kill them all.
Battlestar rebellion

Battlestar rebellion

Dec 18, 2008
Nous sommes en 2157. L'âge d'or de la civilisation humaine. Les pilotes du Free Search Group sillonnent l'espace à la recherche d'un vaisseau spatial russe piloté par Maxim Kamerrer, 22 ans, qui s'est écrasé sur Saraksh, une lointaine planète habitée. Après de longues années d'une guerre nucléaire, une crise environnementale règne sur la planète et la société en place doit faire face à de graves problèmes sociaux et à une paix fragile. Le vaillant cosmonaute va découvrir une mystérieuse terre régie par les Pères Inconnus, cinq gouverneurs anonymes manipulant la conscience des habitants par le biais d'émetteurs spéciaux. Ici, Maxim fera la connaissance de nouveaux amis, aura des ennemis, trouvera l'amour et, après avoir traversé de nombreuses épreuves, il prendra finalement la tête d'un mouvement rebelle visant à défier les cinq avides gouverneurs...
Science Fiction
Velvet Revolution

Velvet Revolution

Sep 15, 2005
La Russie, de nos jours. Les mafias ont pris le pouvoir. Deux enquêteurs vont devoir s'unir contre le plus redoutable cartel. Le premier, Vershinin, est un franc-tireur. Le second, Suvorotsev, est un incorruptible, à cheval sur le règlement. Leur adversaire : Sors, trafiquant, protégé par l'immunité diplomatique. Au fil de leur enquête, les deux policiers découvrent une gigantesque organisation, aux ramifications mondiales. De Russie en Allemagne, du Kenya en Californie, ils vont affronter des chefs d'États, des membres des services secrets et des barons de la drogue...


May 09, 2010
A detachment of young fighters of the Russian Army breaks away from the main formation during a march, in order to shorten the path, runs across, but gets into a fog that takes him back to the past, during the Great Patriotic War. The guys who saw the war only in the movies fall into the clutches of the ruthless events of that time. Everything is on the edge: bravery, fear, love, hate, life, death. And there's no time to ask questions. Live, fight for the Motherland – it is one for all time.
Action & Adventure