Judith Paris

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The Rainbow

The Rainbow

May 05, 1989
A la toute fin du 19ème siècle, au moment de la guerre des Boers, une jeune fille nommée Ursula apprend à devenir femme. Elle découvre l'amour grâce à une enseignante en éducation sportive qui s'avère bisexuelle. Quand l'expérience tourne à la désillusion, elle se livre à un flirt avec un jeune officier de l'Armée, lequel veut l'épouser. Incapable d'accepter de devenir femme au foyer, elle rompe avec lui, quitte la maison familiale, et part à la recherche de son destin.
Le Messie sauvage

Le Messie sauvage

Jun 27, 1972
Le film fictionne la relation réelle entre le sculpteur français Henri Gaudier et l'écrivaine polonaise Sophie Brzeska, de vingt ans son aînée, venue à Paris, dit-elle, pour son « atmosphère créative ».
Dance of the Seven Veils
Russell’s composer biopics were usually labours of love. This was the opposite: he regarded Strauss’s music as 'bombastic, sham and hollow', and despised the composer for claiming to be apolitical while cosying up to the Nazi regime. Strauss is depicted in a variety of grotesquely caricatured situations: attacked by nuns after adopting Nietzsche’s philosophy, duels with jealous husbands, literally batters his critics into submission with his music, and glorifies the women in his life and fantasies.
TV Movie
Cider with Rosie

Cider with Rosie

Dec 26, 1998
Made by Carlton Television for ITV (UK) , this adaptation of Laurie Lee's autobiographical novel follows a young man's maturation in the country town of Gloucestershire near the end of World War I. As young Laurie (Dashiell Reece) comes of age under the protective eye of his mother (Juliet Stevenson), he learns to live with an eccentric collection of friends, neighbours, and relatives. As he enters his teenage years, Laurie (now played by Joe Roberts) discovers women, specifically Rosie Burdock (Lia Barrow). Veteran screenwriter John Mortimer adapted Lee's book, with Lee narrating.
Doctor Who: The Hand of Fear
When the TARDIS lands in a quarry on Earth, Sarah unearths what appears to be a fossilised hand, buried in one-hundred-fifty-million-year-old strata. Analysis shows the hand to be silicon-based and inert, but when Sarah begins to act as if possessed, the Doctor suspects that it may still be alive...
Science Fiction
Dante's Inferno

Dante's Inferno

Dec 22, 1967
The story of the influential 19th century British poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his troubled and somewhat morbid relationship with his wife and his art.
TV Movie
Les Diables

Les Diables

Jul 16, 1971
Le film retrace les grandes lignes de l'affaire des possédées de Loudun. Au 17ème siècle, en France, Richelieu veut convaincre Louis XIII d'en finir avec les gouvernements autonomes des petites villes de province. Loudun est une ville fortifiée du Poitou, dans laquelle catholiques et protestants vivent en bonne entente sous l'autorité bienveillante de l'abbé Grandier, un curé catholique charismatique et progressiste. Sa popularité, ainsi que sa réputation de prêtre libertin et séducteur, lui vaut des inimitiés parmi les notables locaux. La mère supérieure du couvent tout proche développe une attirance obsessionnelle pour le personnage. Les sœurs ursulines sombrent dans une forme d'hystérie collective, se disant possédées par des démons et par l'esprit de Grandier qu'elles accusent d'être en commerce avec le Diable. Ce sera le point de départ d'une cabale, menée par les autorités religieuses et civiles, contre le prêtre qui s'était ouvertement opposé aux projets de Richelieu.


Oct 25, 1994
Alan Bleasdale's modern re-telling of Madame Bovary. A tale of passion, greed, revenge, and of course pleasure, set in France. Starring Line of Duty's Adrian Dunbar, Jennifer Ehle and James Larkin. In the French city of Rouen, the beautiful, young but bored Emma seeks to escape her dull married life. Her dreams are answered, and her comfortable, peaceful existence soon tarnished when she answers a lonely-hearts ad. She meets Gustave, a unsuccessful toy salesman, and potential con man. Together they begin a passionate affair, where they indulge in illicit sex and illegal scams. But parallel to their exhilarating affair, the police are on the hunt for a mysterious masked robber known only as Le Terroriste. As the stakes rise, and a betrayal means Emma finding herself alone, her own talents for deception develop into an overwhelming and obsessive desire for her to get her revenge.
Le Fantôme de l’Opéra
Au XIXᵉ siècle, dans les fastes du Palais Garnier, l’Opéra de Paris, Christine, soprano vedette, est au sommet de sa gloire. Son succès est dû à sa voix d’or et aux mystérieux conseils qu’elle reçoit d’un « Ange », un fantôme qui vit dans les souterrains du bâtiment. L’homme, un génie musical défiguré qui vit reclus et hante l’opéra, aime la jeune fille d’un amour absolu et exclusif. Lorsque Raoul entre dans la vie de Christine, le Fantôme ne le supporte pas…


Dec 04, 1994
The adventures of the eponymous Lovejoy, a likeable but roguish antiques dealer based in East Anglia. Within the trade, he has a reputation as a “divvie”, a person with an almost supernatural powers for recognising exceptional items as well as distinguishing genuine antique from clever fakes or forgeries.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.
The Change

The Change

Jul 05, 2023
Linda finds a new lease on life when she learns that she's experiencing menopause. So she heads to the forest on a journey of self-discovery.
Within These Walls

Within These Walls

Apr 15, 1978
Within These Walls is a British television drama programme made by London Weekend Television for ITV and shown between 1974 and 1978. It portrayed life in HMP Stone Park, a fictional women's prison. Unlike the later women-in-prison TV series Prisoner and Bad Girls, Within These Walls tended to centre its storylines around the prison staff rather than the inmates. The lead character was the well-groomed, genteel governor Faye Boswell, and episodes revolved around her attempts to liberalise the prison regime while managing her personal life at home. Another prominent character was her Chief Officer, Mrs. Armitage. Googie Withers left after three series; in Series Four her character was replaced as governor by Helen Forrester, who in turn left to be replaced in the final Series Five by Susan Marshall. The creator and writer of the programme, David Butler, played the prison chaplain, the Rev Henry Prentice, in some episodes. As of November 2011 Network DVD have released all five series in the UK, with the exception of "Nowhere for the Kids", an episode from Series Two which appears to have been wiped from the archives.
2point4 Children

2point4 Children

Dec 30, 1999
They're just your average family. Stressed mum Bill, daft dad Ben, and two troublesome teens. Plus just a few crazy ideas, escapades and mishaps. The classic 90s sitcom.
Lady Chatterley

Lady Chatterley

Jun 27, 1993
Lady Constance Chatterley is married to the handicapped Sir Clifford Chatterley, who was wounded in the First World War. When they move to his family's estate, Constance (Connie) meets their tough-yet-quiet groundskeeper, Oliver Mellors. Soon, she discovers that the source of her unhappiness is from not being fulfilled in love, and in turning to the arms of Mellors, she has a sexual awakening that will change her thoughts forever.
The Crown

The Crown

Dec 14, 2023
Cette série dramatique retrace les rivalités politiques, intrigues et événements qui ont marqué le règne de la reine Élisabeth II et la seconde moitié du XXe siècle.