Александр Безруков

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The story of four friends, former fellow soldiers from Afghanistan, who meet on the eve of Victory Day to see off a comrade on his last journey.
Своя чужая жизнь
It was a time with a rise of artistic life in the former capital of Russia. But the rise ended quickly and tragically with arrests and executions. Modern St. Petersburg and Petrograd of 1921 strangely and intricately intertwine in the mind of the director. The cruel, bloody, but romantic world of the first years of the Revolution converge with the artistic and domestic life of contemporary filmmaking on the same ground, on the same streets and squares.
Бабушкин Апокриф
Saw and imagined in the children's fantasy the story of grandmother of Christ and the Apostles a little girl. Today few people remember that just a few decades ago in the village houses next to the icons you could still see the popular prints on religious themes. They finally disappeared from use only in the 60-ies of the last century. Of course, their creators were not professional painters or connoisseurs of theology. Drew, as best they could, she felt, not knowing neither rules nor laws. Simple uneducated people, nuggets, sought to glorify God with their creativity, that resonates in the hearts of those of peasants or artisans as they are.
Короткое замыкание
Five short love stories, which become a statement of the directors about love. A shoemaker, a reporter, a pavement hooker-in, a psychiatric patient and a young man released from prison are the main characters of the film, heroes in a time of no heroes. All of them have the important qualities of being openhearted and not afraid of loving.
Любовь Советского Союза
The film is about a generation of brave and beautiful people who did not see the destruction of the revolution and the chaos of the civil war, who dreamed of building a new life in which there would be no place for death, but only incredible love that opens the way for them to great achievements and discoveries. About exploits and glory, betrayal and loyalty of those who were heroes in heaven and on earth. About the time of immense trials that fell on their short but bright lives. About a woman who was the dream and true love of the Soviet Union.
Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Nov 28, 2013
L'action se déroule dans l'Angleterre victorienne du dernier quart du XIXe siècle. Sherlock Holmes, détective amateur de 27 ans, devient témoin d'un crime avec le Dr John Watson, un médecin militaire qui vient de rentrer de la guerre en Afghanistan. Au cours de l'enquête, Watson, n'ayant pas encore d'appartement à Londres, s'installe avec Holmes dans la "demi-pension" de Mme Hudson, puis prend part aux affaires de son nouvel ami. Watson donne des cours de boxe à Holmes. Watson lui-même est un boxeur expérimenté, capable de faire face à plusieurs adversaires à mains nues. De plus, c'est un excellent tireur d'élite. Considérant Holmes comme un génie, le médecin décide de raconter au monde entier son talent et les mystères qu'il a révélés dans ses histoires, où il embellit souvent les événements ("l'histoire vraie" dont la série présente). Watson apprend à embellir les événements par le rédacteur en chef du Morning Chronicle.