Erdem Kuş, a law professor who recently lost his job, falls into the hands of phone scammers who introduced themselves as a judge, prosecutor, or police chief. Erdem, who goes after the gang that defrauded him, finds himself in a tragicomic adventure he never expected.
Ali, âgé de 28 ans, est un homme traumatisé d’avoir vu sa mère se faire tuer par son père quand il était enfant.
Recueilli par Rauf, il grandit à ses côtés et vit en mer.
De retour à Istanbul, il rencontre Derin, une danseuse étoile, dont il tombe follement amoureux.
Istanbul, qui apportait tant de peine à Ali, pourrait bien lui offrir l’amour et la vérité concernant le décès de sa mère.
The series, which shows how people can easily be deceived and how their heedlessness is used by the ancient enemy Satan, with its magnificent visual effects and quality story, tells the story of whether people can be deceived or not deceived; It fits into the devil's dilemma of deceiving or not deceiving...