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Le Murmure du Diable

Le Murmure du Diable

Jun 13, 2024
Lorsqu’un adolescent est retrouvé mort dans un manoir abandonné, un inspecteur se rend sur place pour enquêter sur ce macabre incident. Alors qu’il progresse dans son enquête, la découverte d’une antique boite à musique où sont enregistrés de mystérieux murmures sème le trouble.Des murmures de ce phonogramme semblent s’émaner une force diabolique terrifiante, attendant l’heure de sa vengeance…
Астра, я люблю тебя
The main character is an Opel Astra car. The car has become an integral part of every person's life. In the short stories the characters work and rest together with the Opel Astra, meet, get to know each other and fall in love, quarrel and make peace.
The Demoness

The Demoness

Apr 11, 2024
Un groupe de jeunes gens arrive dans un village isolé où ils rencontrent un esprit ancien – un succube – qui peut se déguiser en humain. Il se nourrit des peurs les plus profondes et fait ressortir le côté le plus sombre des gens.
Этерна: Часть первая
The legitimate heir to the throne in exile and the son of a murdered rebel — what do they have in common? Everyone has their own goal: one dreams of taking the throne and restoring his family to its former glory, the other - to take revenge on the murderer of his father, who serves the usurpers. Young men enter into a large-scale struggle for power and honor, in which those who seemed to be friends can betray, and former enemies can turn into allies. In order to achieve the goal, both the prince and the rebel's son will have to risk the most valuable and make the main choice in their lives — to go the preordained way or to oppose fate itself.


Apr 20, 2023
Thoracic surgeon Evgenia Belyaeva has one month to prepare for a flight to the International Space Station, where she must operate on a crew member. Will she be up for the challenge? Can she overcome her fears and insecurities? Will she be able to perform the complicated surgery in zero gravity, and give the cosmonaut a chance to return to Earth alive?
Холодное танго
By miracle he avoided death and returns to the house where he was born. In the house now lives the love of his life. But the hope for happiness turns sour with a terrible discovery: his beloved is the daughter of his enemy.


Oct 17, 2016
After a chance meeting with a girl, a nameless boy becomes her lover and guardian angel. Together they avenge the girl’s rape, fleeing into the woods in an attempt to escape the modern world and civilization. They commit more crimes, killing encountered people at random, until the third character comes into the story, changing the dynamic of the lovers’ relationship. It’s an emotional story of passion, violence and the impossibility of running away from oneself.
Холодное танго
By miracle he avoided death and returns to the house where he was born. In the house now lives the love of his life. But the hope for happiness turns sour with a terrible discovery: his beloved is the daughter of his enemy.


Feb 27, 2018
URSS, 1971. Six jours dans la vie de l’auteur Sergei Dovlatov, qui se bat pour écrire avec intégrité malgré l’écrasante censure imposée par le régime soviétique.


Aug 30, 2012
En examinant l'une de ses patientes, un médecin révèle que son mari trompe la femme du patient.
Le Duelliste

Le Duelliste

Sep 29, 2016
Saint-Pétersbourg, 1860. Yakovlev, un ancien militaire, est devenu duelliste professionnel. Moyennant rétribution et en accord avec le code de l’honneur russe, il se bat pour le compte de ses commanditaires qui ne veulent ou ne peuvent combattre eux-mêmes, par peur ou par faiblesse. Mais Yakovlev n’a qu’une seule obsession: regagner son honneur et se venger de celui à cause duquel il a tout perdu.
Иван Денисович
100 Minutes is the tale of thousands of Soviet soldiers who fought the Nazis and whose only ‘crime’ was to get caught. Stalin’s justice meted out on the prisoners who returned home was swift: ten years of forced labour in the Siberian camps. Why then would prisoners like Ivan Denisovich fight to stay alive to face another day of hell?


Oct 24, 2019
The protagonist Vlad is a man of about forty; he lives and works as watchman in an old sanatorium that is due to be demolished. He obviously needs this work to live the life of a hermit. One night a married couple appears at the sanatorium: Vera and Stas. They are on the run. They are pursued by former friends and business partners of Stas. Vlad decides to help them, because he too is hiding from the past. Each character is threatened with the inevitable payment for wrong choices in the past, but helping each other, they try to expiate these faults.
Chernobyl : Under Fire
26 avril 1986, la catastrophe nucléaire à Tchernobyl est en cours. Bientôt les nappes phréatiques risquent d'être contaminées sans l'intervention de l'homme. Les scientifiques et les représentants du Kremlin appellent au courage et à la loyauté patriotique de trois hommes. Les volontaires doivent plonger dans des eaux contaminées du sous-sol du réacteur n°4 qui vient d'exploser afin de vider le réservoir. Ces trois hommes sont communément appelés l’escouade-suicide.
День города

День города

Jan 21, 2021
The crazy comedy "City Day" tells about one day in the life of the inhabitants of the provincial Lyubyakino. Celebrating the City Day, people did not notice that the president himself had planned the working trip through the town. Sudden news plunges everyone into shock and creates chaos: the mayor, the district police officer, the priest and other heroes from this place, lost in the outback, forgotten by God and progress, must, in the shortest possible time, bring the city, actively celebrating, as the last time, into a decent look, in a hurry to mask the problems from the view from the guarded cortege and to depict that this is a place of high culture of everyday life.


Jan 05, 2022
Stories about strange, annoying and even scary moments in our lives: domestic violence, the madness of tick-tockers and their audience, the demands of society on girls and much more.


Jul 06, 2023
In the past, Soviet prima ballerina and now world-renowned choreographer Ruta Myers returns to the country after almost 40 years to stage a performance at the country's main ballet theater. Ruta is forced to rebuild relationships with friends and enemies, who have become key people in the Russian ballet over the past time, but most importantly — with the artistic director of the theater Andrei Pronin and his family. They were once a couple, and now old feelings and old resentments flare up with renewed vigor. A lot of money, ambitions, and a career are at stake — Ruta, despite all her efforts, finds herself in the epicenter of passions and intrigues very far from the world of art.
Убить Риту

Убить Риту

Nov 30, 2023
Rita, a fragile-looking chemistry teacher, remains out of work for having connections with a student. But thanks to her skills, she manages to earn easy money by cleaning the cottage. However, this cottage turns out to be a crime scene, and Rita herself finds herself in the epicenter of criminal showdowns by local bandits. However, Rita is not so simple — all this time she has been living undercover on someone else's passport. A few years ago, she already had to flee from her native St. Petersburg to a seaside town to save her life. After all, Rita is the only living carrier of the formula that her pursuers really need.


Jan 11, 2024
Anya works as an assistant in an expensive event agency for a nominal salary, supplemented by access to the city's high society. There she meets a representative of a noble Ottoman family, who came to St. Petersburg in search of a Russian wife. Anya, too, is not all simple with her roots - her swindler father is in prison, from where he can be pulled out for a lot of money. The girl decides to commit a crime: she steals a precious necklace from Serkan's collection, but very quickly finds out that the necklace is a fake, like the title of the Sultan. Serkan is a swindler who, Anya is forced to admit, cannot be denied extraordinary charm. The Turk, caught on a forgery, is forced to take Anya as a share in order to further "breed" the St. Petersburg and not only the rich already for a couple with an energetic girl and her freed dad.
Nox : Les Sentinelles de la Lumière
Enfant, Laure a failli mourir lors d'un accident et a été sauvée par une force inconnue qui lui a remis une amulette mystérieuse. Vingt ans plus tard et désormais étudiante, elle découvre qu'elle fait partie des initiés capables de combattre les ombres du monde des ténèbres qui ont envahi la planète. En tentant de repousser l'ombre qui pompe l'énergie de sa colocataire, Laure rencontre d’autres initiés, Irina, Mike, Eric et Chris...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Sasha is a simple man, with his wife and son, he serves in the police, but he has an addiction that he hides from everyone - at night he is Trixie Flowers, no one should find out about it. His old dream came true, he got into one of the coolest Moscow travel clubs in the main cast of the show. Literally on the same day at work, he learns that he will have to work undercover with his partner in this club to investigate the mysterious chain of poisoning of travesty with a new dangerous drug. The boss appoints Sasha to be a security guard, and his partner is a travesty. The partner gets depressed. Sasha decides to "save" his colleague and infiltrate the club under the guise of a travesty.
На автомате

На автомате

Jul 17, 2024
Every day of Roma and Zhenya's teenage brothers goes the same way, on the machine: alarm clock, study, cigarette behind the garage, a warehouse with weapons ... wait, what? The guys decide that this is a chance to quickly cut down easy money, because all you have to do is sell the machines on the darknet. But where there are weapons, there are dangerous people — that's where the fun begins. Very soon, all the residents of the town are involved in the story: single mother Svetlana, pawnshop owner Albert, tattoo artist Lelya, policeman Basov, his blogger daughter Milena, as well as the capital's bandits.
Мир! Дружба! Жвачка!
The year is 1993. 14-year-old Alex Ryabinin lives a normal teenage life - looking for adventure, trying to protect himself from hooligans, does not want learn music, does not know how to meet girls and which adults to follow as an example. On the one hand - an honest but poor family with a saleswoman mother and a father who is a docent, on the other - the dangerous world of an Afghan veteran Uncle Alik. And there's also the girl Zhenya, whose encounter triggers a series of irreversible events that will forever change the life of Alex. Running away from hooligans, Alex steals a car of local criminal authority, and in an instant everything changes. Will he be able to cope with all the problems, being in the heart of events? Will he be able to save his family and finally understand who he is? Only one thing is clear - life will never be the same again. Not for Alex himself, nor for the whole of Russia.


Oct 09, 2024
Bandit Dino was once considered a man capable of ruthlessly knocking out debts from anyone. The 90s are long over, and now he lives as a hermit in a remote province. However, due to circumstances, Dino is forced to return to the big city to his old "profession", but now he has to pay off his debts.