Lily Delamere

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Sunny Disposition

Sunny Disposition

Oct 08, 2012
What happens when a man you've spent years forgetting winds up at your doorstep? Sunny Disposition is the story of Ben, a disgruntled actor, whose desire is to live his life without becoming the father he never knew. Ben returns home after a rehearsal to find a message from a father he hasn't seen in years on his answering machine. Tension rises as Ben and his father meet face-to-face. The next few hours Ben spends with his father will forever determine their relationship. Could their father-son connection be rekindled or will it go up in smoke?
I Love America

I Love America

Mar 11, 2022
Lisa décide de se donner une nouvelle chance en amour en quittant Paris pour Los Angeles. Ses enfants ont déserté le nid familial et sa mère célèbre, qui a été très absente durant sa vie, vient juste de mourir : Lisa a donc besoin d’un nouveau départ !
God Save the Queens

God Save the Queens

Jun 12, 2022
A dramedy about four Drag Queens who find themselves at the very same therapy retreat. In an effort to overcome issues holding them back, they dissect their problems, told in vignettes of their lives. They discover common ground; Perhaps, it wasn't serendipity that brought them together. Maybe they're not alone?
Jackrabbit Sky

Jackrabbit Sky

Apr 01, 2009
Max Boden, an ingenuitive desert naturalist, is trying to stop the construction of a copper mine on the outskirts of 1939 Tucson, Arizona. Through a series of arduously comical trials, Max learns to use a small motion picture camera to capture images of the unique local flora and fauna that would be destroyed by the mine.
Je promets de te retrouver ma fille
Maddy est une adolescente surprotégée par sa mère, Alice, qui a travaillé un certain temps avec la police en tant que négociatrice de crise pour les otages. A présent à la tête d'une entreprise de promotion immobilière à Los Angeles avec son mari Brent, Alice se concentre surtout sur le bien-être de sa fille. Elle n'est pas prête à la laisser partir faire ses études à New York, ni à la laisser aller à une fête chez son amie, Nicole. Maddy se faufile hors de la maison et se rend quand même à la soirée, malgré l'interdiction de sa mère. En rentrant, elle se fait kidnapper. Le lendemain matin, le ravisseur appelle Alice et lui intime de ne pas appeler la police.
The Office Mix-Up

The Office Mix-Up

Feb 04, 2020
With a mistaken identity, a woman stumbles into a dream job and finds love with a co-worker but is afraid she will lose everything if her real identity is revealed.