Silmu Ståhlberg

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Dec 26, 2018
Juice Leskinen was a singer, songwriter, poet, lyricist, folk artist – the father figure of Finnish rock lyrics. The most important factor of Juice's life was his love life. Everything else – booze, lyrics and fame – came as its by-product. The movie tells the story of love professional, of a man who felt deeply and extremely sensitively, but wounded many people, including himself.
Risto Räppääjä ja väärä Vincent
Serena Rapper gets a strange prediction: a genius has been born to her immediate family. When Serena finds a drawing Ricky has made, she is certain that Ricky is Vincent Van Gogh reborn. She decides to show Ricky's drawing to the intendant of the Art Museum. At the same time, a sketch of one of Van Gogh's paintings is found in Finland! This discovery starts an exciting chain of events, and in the end, the janitor of the Art Museum, a keen amateur detective, helps Ricky and Nelly to solve the mystery.