Jaran Petcharoen

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Deux Frères

Deux Frères

Apr 07, 2004
Nés au cœur de la jungle, deux petits tigres grandissent sous le regard bienveillant de leurs parents. Mais leur destin bascule par la faute des hommes. L'un se retrouve vedette de cirque sous le nom de Koumal. L'autre est baptisé Sangha par le fils d'un administrateur colonial qui en fait son animal de compagnie…


Oct 20, 1999
Tum, une timide jeune femme de 25 ans, travaille comme secrétaire à Bangkok. Un matin, elle trouve devant sa porte une boîte de nouilles instantanées qui contient un million de baths. Elle décide de garder l'argent, mais les ennuis commencent. Depassée par les évènements, Tum est entrainée dans une spirale infernale, absurde et sanglante.
Buppah Ratree - Saga

Buppah Ratree - Saga

Nov 14, 2003
Buppah Rahtree est une jeune fille discrète et sans amis. Elle a cependant un admirateur, Ake. Rahtree se rapproche d'Ake pour finallement découvrir qu'il n'est qu'un sale type. Forcée d'avorter, Rathree est abandonnée dans son appartement, où elle meurt. Oui, mais voilà, lorsque la police débarque, impossible de bougée le corps. L’esprit de Rahtree est toujours là et très en colère...
ดึก ดำ ดึ๋ย
In exchange for a big sum of money, four Thai guys went to Africa to investigate a region where mysterious murders are occurring. Armed with carbines and just enough courage, they try to put some light on these inexplicable events. However, things get more complicated than expected when their travel bus has some mechanical problems, giving them no other choice but to go all the way by foot and that decision is a bad one as they meet up with cannibals.
When a homeless boy living at the youth shelter run by a Buddhist monastery turns up dead, the Abbot recruits Father Ananda, a former policeman, to find out why. He discovers that all is not well at this urban monastery in the heart of Bangkok. Together with his dogged assistant, an orphaned boy named Jak, Father Ananda uncovers a startling series of clues that eventually exposes the motivation behind the crime and leads him to the murderer.
ตํานานสมเด็จพระนเรศวรมหาราช ภาค ๕ : ยุทธหัตถี
In the year 2129 the Department of the Red God was incensed to the crushing defeat of King Naresuan. Both have to face the hosts and glory. So then wreak vengeance to the Lord Supangkanlaya. HRH on Dlamini's father was a sadness with the realization that the fate of the daughter and invading the Ayutthaya done it, because he defected to the enemy side. Nordstrom will finally died King Naresuan's went up succeed to the throne of Ayudhya dominate the successor of his father.
โหน่ง เท่ง นักเลงภูเขาทอง
Teng is the lead actor of a nationally famous Thai folk drama playhouse. Showing great skill as an actor, Teng becomes the star of the show and helps the playhouse to gain money and fame that is, until a movie studio shows up and claims that it has the right to remove the playhouse and turn it into a movie set. Teng and his partner Nhong are disappointed and strongly against the idea. But even more important for Teng is Nuenchan, the beautiful actress he has always dreamed of. Now, it's time to choose between his theatrical team and the girl he loves.


Jul 03, 2014
Inspired by real events, The Last Executioner is the story of Chavoret Jaruboon, the last person in Thailand whose job it was to execute by gun. A rock musician who adored Elvis, but took a 'respectable' job to support the family he loved devotedly, and then constantly tried to reconcile the good and bad karma that came from this decision.


Jan 01, 1971
Thai movie 'Luk Yot' (ลูกยอด) was released in year 1971 and features Thai film superstars Krung Srivilai and Petchara Chaowara. It was Krung Srivilai's first movie. Krung was 4 years younger than Petchara so from being the younger sister (น้อง) with Mitr, Petchara becomes the older sister (พี่)! After Mitr Chaibancha’s tragic death in year 1970, the Thai cinema needed new faces, new main actors to replace the void caused by Mitr’s premature death. Only a two minutes trailer is remaining as the movie is lost in Thailand. A full movie summary is still available as some old Thai movie stars magazines can still be found nowadays. Various sequences can be seen during those two late minutes : Sithao Petcharoen paddling a small boat on a river and watching young ladies, shootings. Other actors / actresses include Pisarn Akraseranee, Choomporn Theppitak, Boo Wibunnan, Wassana Chalakorn, Sopha Sataporn, Preuhat Boonlong,Sukon Koewliam. 7 songs are featured in 35mm format.
星になった少年 Shining Boy & Little Randy
Tetsumu, an introverted youth, realizes he has a natural ability of communicating with elephants. This prompts him to leave for Chiang Mai in Thailand to become Japan's first elephant trainer. Having found his place in the world, Tetsumu develops into a strong, confident young man. He returns to Japan with the dream of building a green "paradise" for his ivory-tusked friends. Meanwhile, he starts a career as an elephant trainer for touring shows. He meets Emi, a woman seven years his senior and falls in love.
Lah is a mahout who works his elephant at an illegal logging site in Burma. When they're about to get busted, he sends his son Saeng and his elephant to relatives in Bangkok. Saeng ends up begging the streets of Bangkok with his elephant and he comes in contact with the local mafia who wants their cut or else.


Jan 01, 1980
Garuda came down from his celestial residence to gamble with an ancient king in a dice game. Garuda saw the beautiful Ka Kee, the king's wife, and kidnapped her. The king's musician helped her to escape by also seducing her. The king took offence at Ka Kee's unfaithfulness, for she had slept with three men. He punished her by banishing her to a raft that floated to the middle of the ocean, sure that she would not survive her ordeal.
Bangkok revenge

Bangkok revenge

May 17, 2011
À Bangkok, l'assassin Curtie Church est engagé par un homme d'affaire pour tuer six hommes. Une fois le boulot fait, l'employeur propose un nouveau contrat de Curtie : assassiner le chef des trafiquants de drogue de la ville qui a enlevé, drogué et poussé à la prostitution la fille de l’homme d’affaire. Curtie cherche alors Jimmy, un trafiquant d’armes afin qu’il l’aide à provoquer une guerre entre gangs et ainsi lui permettre d’approcher plus facilement sa cible…
Pae Uzi aka The Eagle of Chantaburi, a professional hit-man who was just been set free from prison. After his release, he learns for the first time he has a daughter Dao. The tables are turned on Ape when his daughter tries to kill him, because she thinks he killed the only father that she ever knew.