Boris Nemtsov

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Путин навсегда?
Russian Federation, May 6, 2012. On the eve of the ceremony of inauguration of Vladimir Putin, elected for a third term, the police brutally repressed a march of protest over the lack of freedom existing in the nation. Some people believed that this demonstration would be the beginning of a peaceful revolution, but it was the day when silence and fear won the game. Realize what happens when a person has too much power in his hands.
F@ck This Job

F@ck This Job

Feb 24, 2022
En 2008, Natasha, une femme nouvellement riche, décide d'ouvrir une chaîne de télévision indépendante (Dozhd) dans la Russie de Poutine et constitue une équipe ouverte d'esprit de parias prêts à exiger justice. En 2020, Natasha a tout perdu dans la guerre russe entre propagande et vérité, pour laquelle elle se bat sans relâche.


Oct 09, 2016
A story told by those who knew Boris Nemtsov at different times: when he was a young scientist and took his first steps in politics; when he held high government offices and was considered Boris Yeltsin's heir apparent; when he led Russia's democratic opposition to Vladimir Putin.
Putin's Kiss

Putin's Kiss

Nov 19, 2011
Masha Drokova is a rising star in Russia's popular nationalistic youth movement, Nashi. A smart, ambitious teenager who – literally – embraced Vladimir Putin and his promise of a greater Russia, her dedication as an organizer is rewarded with a university scholarship, an apartment, and a job as a spokesperson. But her bright political future falters when she befriends a group of liberal journalists who are critical of the government, including blogger Oleg Kashin, who calls Nashi a "group of hooligans," and she's forced to confront the group's dirty – even violent – tactics.
Мой друг Борис Немцов
An intimate portrait of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov — once Deputy Prime Minister and “an heir of President Yeltsin”, later an uncompromising adversary of Putin — that was assassinated near the Kremlin in February 2015. Election campaigns and hotel beds, protest rallies and office routine, train compartments and courtrooms, night walks and police vans – you have never seen any politician so close. This is a story how a journalist assignment turns into a genuine friendship.
Срок. Начало большой истории
The documentary project The Term was conceived in May 2012. When the directing trio commenced mapping the Russian sociopolitical landscape, Vladimir Putin had just settled into the Kremlin for his third term. The original experimental format of “documentary bulletins,” which were published daily online, allowed for wide-ranging content; in the feature film version, however, the filmmakers focused solely on the members of various opposition groups. Nevertheless, the work’s neutral position remains and viewers have to interpret the objectively presented situations for themselves. The main characteristics of this strongly authentic movie include close contact with the protagonists, precise editing, and an effectively controlled release of information.


Nov 17, 2011
Khodorkovsky, the richest Russian, challenges President Putin. A fight of the titans begins. Putin warns him. But Khodorkovsky comes back to Russia knowing that he will be imprisoned, once he returns. When I heard about it, I asked myself: why didn't he stay in exile with a couple of billions? Why did he do that? A personal journey to Khodorkovsky.
Зима, уходи!

Зима, уходи!

Aug 02, 2012
Ten director graduates from Marina Razbezhkina’s School of Documentary Film and Documentary Theatre lived with a camera for two months in order to chronicle the last “Russian winter” and its popular uprising against Vladimir Putin’s presidential run. People, faces, conversations, protests, failures and triumphs come together to chronicle the campaign.
Poutine, l’irrésistible ascension
En 2000, un documentariste russe filme de l'intérieur la première année au pouvoir de Vladimir Poutine. Près de vingt ans plus tard, Vitaly Mansky, désormais exilé, remonte ses archives et en propose une relecture critique. La fascinante naissance en direct d'un potentat surdoué, secret et cynique. Grand Prix "Documentaire international" au Fipadoc 2019. "Je pars." Le 31 décembre 1999, Boris Eltsine annonce à la télévision sa démission du poste de président de la Fédération de Russie. En attendant la tenue de nouvelles élections en mai, il nomme comme remplaçant intérimaire son chef du gouvernement, Vladimir Poutine, à la cote de popularité au plus bas. L'ancien officier du KGB est intronisé le soir même dans la liesse générale du Nouvel An (première habileté politique). Poutine se sert de sa nouvelle position comme d'un tremplin, et, sans avoir vraiment mené campagne, est élu au premier tour de la présidentielle.
Вертикаль Кадырова. Полная крови биография
"Conquered Chechnya is the cornerstone of Putin's power. It all started there. If we admit that the leader of conquered Chechnya is a scoundrel, what will remain of Putin himself?" This is how one Russian official responded when asked about the untouchability of Ramzan Kadyrov, who has created a true sultanate within Russia, operating beyond the reach of Russian law. This documentary is a historical investigation into the blood-soaked path Kadyrov has taken to build his sultanate. It uncovers new evidence of murders surrounding Kadyrov, large-scale corruption of unimaginable proportions, and equally shocking details of his personal life, including a harem with underage concubines and brutal punishments.


May 01, 2024
A documentary series that explores who brought Vladimir Putin to power, and why. It meticulously reconstructs the sequence of events that have led us to the present day.