Mikhail Kasyanov

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Революция, которой не было
With capitalism and corruption becoming more entrenched in Russia, a father and his teenage son gear up for a yearlong political campaign to unseat President Putin in the 2008 elections and shift the country back toward socialism. Aliona Polunina's thoughtful documentary follows Anatoly and Andrei in their struggle to recreate a revolutionary fervor in a society that seems to be embracing the materialist values of the West.


Oct 09, 2016
A story told by those who knew Boris Nemtsov at different times: when he was a young scientist and took his first steps in politics; when he held high government offices and was considered Boris Yeltsin's heir apparent; when he led Russia's democratic opposition to Vladimir Putin.
Срок. Начало большой истории
The documentary project The Term was conceived in May 2012. When the directing trio commenced mapping the Russian sociopolitical landscape, Vladimir Putin had just settled into the Kremlin for his third term. The original experimental format of “documentary bulletins,” which were published daily online, allowed for wide-ranging content; in the feature film version, however, the filmmakers focused solely on the members of various opposition groups. Nevertheless, the work’s neutral position remains and viewers have to interpret the objectively presented situations for themselves. The main characteristics of this strongly authentic movie include close contact with the protagonists, precise editing, and an effectively controlled release of information.
Poutine, l’irrésistible ascension
En 2000, un documentariste russe filme de l'intérieur la première année au pouvoir de Vladimir Poutine. Près de vingt ans plus tard, Vitaly Mansky, désormais exilé, remonte ses archives et en propose une relecture critique. La fascinante naissance en direct d'un potentat surdoué, secret et cynique. Grand Prix "Documentaire international" au Fipadoc 2019. "Je pars." Le 31 décembre 1999, Boris Eltsine annonce à la télévision sa démission du poste de président de la Fédération de Russie. En attendant la tenue de nouvelles élections en mai, il nomme comme remplaçant intérimaire son chef du gouvernement, Vladimir Poutine, à la cote de popularité au plus bas. L'ancien officier du KGB est intronisé le soir même dans la liesse générale du Nouvel An (première habileté politique). Poutine se sert de sa nouvelle position comme d'un tremplin, et, sans avoir vraiment mené campagne, est élu au premier tour de la présidentielle.