Désabusée par ses rêves inaccomplis et les dettes de son mari au chômage, une employée de banque découvre chez elle une source d'argent apparemment inépuisable.
The dreams of a fairy tale marriage of a deeply in love couple gets shattered by an inevitable accident, breaking hearts and a struggle to survive day by day.
Vishvanath and Sudha's lives take an ugly turn when they lose their only son in a train bombing. Sudha has a nervous breakdown and Vishvanath takes it upon himself to help his wife.
A relationship with equal amounts of love and rivalry. This is the story of two such sisters. Who have massive love for each other but there are some days when the conflict is at its peak. And the only motive is to steal each other's attention.
Après avoir subi une greffe du cœur, une femme au foyer de 40 ans décide de réaliser toutes les choses que sa donneuse de 20 ans voulait faire avant de mourir.
Shyam Ki Mummy is a Hindi comedy play starring Nirmiti Sawant, Dharmaj Joshi, and Milind Phatak. As Shyam gears up for his board exams, his over-eager mother forces him to sacrifice all the joys of childhood and not meet his friends to score good marks. This play highlights the flaws of the modern education system and effects of academic parental pressure on kids