Cricket Brown

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Circus 196977

Circus 196977

Jan 01, 1970
For one night only, a raggedy group of circus performers are upended by a train crash and stranded in Walpole, Maine. In “Circus 196977,” a mysterious documentarian encounters the group in a large barn and tracks their medley of song and dance. The film features avant-garde dance sequences paired with varied pieces of pop music in-between spoken interludes from each of the performers. Filmed in the dead of the night, the film bridges elements of an eerie found-footage style horror film with a uniquely choreographed performance piece.
We Want Faces So Bad

We Want Faces So Bad

Jul 22, 2022
Alexx must 'face' the reality of her overnight transformation when she joins her faceless friends in their nightly manifesting faces ritual.
Night Milk

Night Milk

May 26, 2024
A lesbian couple have a confrontational sleepover.
Aus Liebe

Aus Liebe

Sep 30, 2018
Maria, an American girl, and Ernst, her depraved German lover, must find their next hit of heroin on the streets of Berlin before their addiction threatens to tear their codependent relationship apart.


Jan 01, 1970
A day in the life of a religious college girl.
La Chapelle du Diable

La Chapelle du Diable

Mar 31, 2021
Suite à l'apparition de la Vierge Marie dans une petite ville de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, une jeune fille sourde se met à entendre, parler et à guérir les infirmes. Ce phénomène surnaturel attire de nombreuses personnes souhaitant assister aux miracles, dont un journaliste en disgrâce qui y voit le moyen de relancer sa carrière. Tandis qu'il mène l'enquête, de terribles événements se produisent, l'incitant à remettre en question l'origine de ce prodige : relève-t-il du divin ou d'une source bien plus sombre ?


May 15, 2020
After the death of their father, widely celebrated theoretical physicist Driscoll Tarnow, the three Tarnow siblings (Leslie, Joey & Vyra) find themselves at a crossroads, splintering off into radically different directions in order to deal with the loss. Leslie recruits an ASU engineer to assist her in the construction of a fertilizer bomb, Joey falls in love while descending deeper into his addiction to Adderall, and Vyra becomes friends with a YouTube star with a very rare disease while working on a series of autobiographical paintings. DUKELAND is a fragmented family saga about grief, transformation, and the internet.
Show Tonight

Show Tonight

Sep 09, 2024
A performer in upstate New York spirals as she tries to bring in an audience for her latest show.
Circus 196977

Circus 196977

Jan 01, 1970
For one night only, a raggedy group of circus performers are upended by a train crash and stranded in Walpole, Maine. In “Circus 196977,” a mysterious documentarian encounters the group in a large barn and tracks their medley of song and dance. The film features avant-garde dance sequences paired with varied pieces of pop music in-between spoken interludes from each of the performers. Filmed in the dead of the night, the film bridges elements of an eerie found-footage style horror film with a uniquely choreographed performance piece.
Show Tonight

Show Tonight

Sep 09, 2024
A performer in upstate New York spirals as she tries to bring in an audience for her latest show.


Apr 22, 2022
Une série inspirée de faits réels et de l'histoire d'amour au cœur des événements. WeWork était une start-up de bureaux partagés devenue, en moins de dix ans, une marque mondiale d'une valeur de 47 milliards de dollars. Avant de perdre 40 milliards en moins d'un an. Que s'est-il passé ?
American Horror Story

American Horror Story

Apr 24, 2024
À chaque saison, son histoire. American Horror Story nous embarque dans des récits à la fois poignants et cauchemardesques, mêlant la peur, le gore et le politiquement correct. De quoi vous confronter à vos plus grandes frayeurs !