'Reb' Sawitz

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Mar 01, 1971
Open and uninhibited Mary convinces her uptight goody-goody two shoes best friend Melody to loosen up and dive into an exciting and eye-opening new world of unbridled sexual experimentation.
Missus Little's Dude Ranch
Saddle up, pardners, for a horny hoedown as “Boris Ballsitch,” a captain within the Russian Secret Service, travels to America to encounter our “capitalistic techniques”. Exactly what better location than at a whorehouse? He winds up at “The Dude Ranch” and meets a cast of characters that sound like they walked from the pages of a Charles Dickens novel. There’s “Jack Ticklewell,” “Long John the Handyman,” and “Miss Little,” the golden-haired manager associated with Nude, er, I mean Dude Ranch exactly where Boris is introduced to the tender loins of Miss Little’s nasty nymphos.
Flesh Gordon

Flesh Gordon

Jul 30, 1974
Alors qu'un Rayon de Sexe aux origines mystérieuses a plongé la Terre dans un chaos infernal, Flesh Gordon, le Dr. Flexi Jerkoff et la belle Dale Ardor vont braver les périls de l'espace pour sauver la Terre des menées perverses de Wang, le chef de la planète Porno. Dès leur arrivée, ils se trouvent entrainés dans un tourbillon d'aventures extraordinaires, encore jamais vues en film; ils rencontrent le géant Pénisaurus, la Moronisphère, les sauvages Hermaphrodites (mi-hommes, mi-femmes), la troublante reine Amora, gardienne des tétons automatiques, Nellie la cheftaine voluptueuse, l'indestructible Homme Morpion, les Robots Violeurs, et encore bien d'autres rencontres


Jan 01, 1970
Meet Stanley Jones. Stanley lands a job as a hapless rent collector for Mr. Watson. Warned by Watson about those collectors who failed before him, Stanley sets out on a path doomed to failure. At each door he's seduced by another tenant bent on satisfying her insatiable lust!