John Taylor

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Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible: Daniel and the Lion's Den
There are many heroes in the Old Testament. Some are great warriors. But others are men of quiet faith--men who display their courage not on the battle field, but simply by refusing to disobey God. Daniel is such a man. His story has been brought to life in a beautifully animated film that will appeal to your entire family. Daniel and the Lion's Den is one of the twelve programs in the Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible series. This program features: All-new animation, an introduction by Charlton Heston, and "Simon & Gimmel -Your Faithful Guides," two animated characters who lead viewers through the story and make it accessible for all ages
Greatest Heroes and Legends of The Bible: The Garden of Eden
"In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth..." With those words, the biblical story of creation beginsGod creates all the living creatures on land and water, and then creates man in His own image. Now, with this beautiful animated film, your family can experience the true power of this extraordinary story. Adam is alone, but eventually God decides to give him a companion and creates Eve. For a time, it seems that they will live indefinitely in Paradise, until the story takes a tragic turn. Tempted by a serpent, Eve eats fruit from the Tree of Knowledge - the one food forbidden in all of Paradise - and convinces Adam to join her. When God discovers what has happened, He banishes Adam and Eve from the Garden, and they must struggle for survival. They experience much heartbreak, but never give up hope, and that is what this story is about. It reflects our own struggle to survive - and our hope that someday we will rejoin God in Paradise.
The ringer

The ringer

Dec 23, 2005
Steve Barker, un pauvre gars malchanceux, doit trouver de l'argent pour payer l'opération que doit subir Stavi, un collègue de travail. Pour ce faire, il demande conseil à son oncle Gary endetté jusqu'au cou. Ce dernier lui propose alors de se faire passer pour un handicapé aux prochains jeux para-olympiques et de battre à plate couture le champion en titre de pentathlon.
La Septième Prophétie
Abby et Russell Quinn forme un couple heureux donc sans histoire lorsque survient un etranger qui leur loue un petit appartement. Abby attend un enfant, elle ne sait pas encore que l'etranger est un homme d'un hautre monde et que l'enfant qu'elle doit mettre au monde represente la Septieme Prophetie, la septieme pierre marquant l'avenement de l'apocalypse.
Jackass 3D

Jackass 3D

Oct 15, 2010
Johnny Knoxville et sa bande de déjantés débarquent pour la première fois sur grand écran et en 3D !. Aïe !