Kim McAuliffe

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Live at Wacken 2008

Live at Wacken 2008

Jul 31, 2009
If you think it couldn't get any bigger, than you have to watch this DVD. Sold out in March, more than 5 month before the festival, 90,000 Metal Heads followed the call to celebrate the biggest Metal Fest in the World. This mega-event can now be celebrated at home!!
Heavy metal kingdom - La nouvelle vague rock britannique
À la fin des années 1970, une vague de riffs brutaux et de rythmes effrénés, célébrée par des fans hirsutes, déferle sur la Grande-Bretagne. Moins glam que le punk, moins hype que le disco, c’est dans l’ombre de l’underground qu’elle va faire éclore de futures légendes nommées Iron Maiden, Saxon, Girlschool ou Def Leppard, pour laisser une empreinte indélébile sur le hard rock mondial. En images fortes, gros sons et témoignages, retour sur une retentissante révolution culturelle.
Girl in a Band: Tales from the Rock 'n' Roll Front Line
All too often, every great female rock musician has to answer a predictable question - what is it like being a girl in a band? For many, the sight of a girl shredding a guitar or laying into the drums is still a bit of a novelty. As soon as women started forming their own bands they were given labels - the rock chick, the girl band or one half of the rock 'n' roll couple. Kate Mossman aims to look beyond the cliches of fallen angels, grunge babes and rock chicks as she gets the untold stories from rock's frontline to discover if it has always been different for the girl in a band.