Asami Shibuya

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Oct 09, 2018
Izumi, Yoichi, and their childhood friends had a secret play that no one could tell. In the fall of the third year of junior high school, the two go on a trip to find a cosmos field. Is it possible to grow up "remaining untainted" without losing anything? The story of Izumi, a girl who doesn't want to be a woman.
Desert of Namibia

Desert of Namibia

Sep 06, 2024
Pour Kana, jeune japonaise de 21 ans, la vie est une succession d'instants sans saveur. Même tomber amoureuse ne sert qu’à faire passer le temps. Insatisfaite de sa relation avec Honda, un garçon attentionné, elle le quitte pour Hayashi, un jeune homme plus excentrique. Entre tribulations professionnelles et sentimentales, Kana se cherche.
いたくても いたくても
Ken, an AD at an infomercial company, and their program host, Tada, are both suddenly caught up in pro wrestling started by their company president, Sakaguchi. To save the fate of his company, Sakaguchi decides to start a new program, combining pro wrestling and infomercials as he sees something special in Ken's wrestling... Aoi, a coworker and Ken's girlfriend, become troubled by not being able to accept Ken's excitement over his wrestling.


Jan 24, 2019
Aki et Naoko sont des amis d'enfance que la vie a séparé à l'âge adulte. Immergée dans sa vie de famille, Naoko a maintenant un mari et une fille. Aki, en revanche, reste célibataire et est en congé maladie en raison d'une crise personnelle.


Mar 12, 2014
Antonym is a slow-burning drama about human connection, told through the story of two women who come together to write a radio drama. Vain and self-centred Aya is forced to find a writing partner to work on the radio script she is developing. Heavily reluctant to collaborate, she partners shy co-worker Sachiko, who eagerly embraces the project. Peppered with coincidental occurrences and failed relationships, and powered by the friction and growing friendship between the women as they work on the script, Antonym is as much about the inevitability of human connection as it is about the necessity of it.


Sep 30, 2017
Twenty years have passed since the sudden disappearance of Amy, who was the femme fatale in her film studies group. Something that Naoko said triggers emotions that were frozen in time for the group's members, who see each other for the first time after a long absence: Asada Iida,Naoko,Okamoto,Miho,Goto and Kizuka.
Butterfly Sleep

Butterfly Sleep

May 12, 2018
Ryoko Matsumura est une écrivaine populaire dans la cinquantaine. Elle sait aussi qu'elle a la maladie d'Alzheimer. Elle commence à enseigner dans une université où elle rencontre un jeune Coréen d'une vingtaine d'années. Ils deviennent attirés l'un par l'autre...
The Third Murder

The Third Murder

Sep 09, 2017
Le grand avocat Shigemori est chargé de défendre Misumi, accusé de vol et d’assassinat. Ce dernier a déjà purgé une peine de prison pour meurtre 30 ans auparavant. Les chances pour Shigemori de gagner le procès semblent minces, d’autant que Misumi a avoué son crime, malgré la peine de mort qui l’attend s’il est condamné. Pourtant, au fil de l’enquête et des témoignages, Shigemori commence à douter de la culpabilité de son client.