1 Entra e Sai Mar 17, 1986 Entra e Sai 1986 70 min 1 vues A couple on vacation comes across three frantic criminals. Comedy
1 Cambalacho Sexual Jul 17, 1986 Cambalacho Sexual 1986 73 min 1 vues Several situations encompassing a fashionable word: cambalacho. What is staggering? It's the initial question, which is answered by isolated episodes. Comedy
1 Visões Eróticas de Belinda Jul 18, 1986 Visões Eróticas de Belinda 1986 68 min 1 vues Erotic dreams of a girl with every kind of fetish imagined... Mystery
1 Gata Sem Pudor Sep 18, 1986 Gata Sem Pudor 1986 73 min 1 vues Collage from other films by the same director. About 30 percent is reusing the movie "Ou Dá ou desce" Comedy
3 Macho, Fêmea & Cia. (A Vida Erótica de Caim e Abel) Mar 03, 1986 Macho, Fêmea & Cia. (A Vida Erótica de Caim e Abel) 1986 68 min 1 vues Erotic comic trash that takes place at the beginning of time, with the right to the participation of God and the snake of Eden. Comedy
1 Vespânia - A Prefeita Erótica Jun 06, 1989 Vespânia - A Prefeita Erótica 1989 60 min 1 vues Roman Prefect uses her power to commit the greatest abuses against her subordinates. Adventure
1 Como Fazer um Filme Erótico em 10 Lições Sep 21, 1987 Como Fazer um Filme Erótico em 10 Lições 1987 60 min 1 vues Metalinguistic erotic comedy in which couples relate and reflect on the meaning of life and sex. Comedy
1 Caricias Ardentes - Noites Alucinantes de Messalina Oct 18, 1988 Caricias Ardentes - Noites Alucinantes de Messalina 1988 64 min 1 vues The Untold Story of Caligula's Cousin, the Roman Empress Consort. Romance
1 Dando Sopa Nov 19, 1991 Dando Sopa 1991 70 min 1 vues The thousand women and the thousand sexual relations of the big city. Comedy
1 A Seita do Sexo Profano Jul 11, 1985 A Seita do Sexo Profano 1985 75 min 1 vues A woman gets involved with a demonic sect. Horror