Bret Lada

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Murder at the Murder Mystery Party
When struggling young actress Clara Edwards sneaks into an elusive, exclusive Murder Mystery Party, she finds herself among a bevy of beautiful, famous Hollywood elite who are suddenly trapped inside, and have been pit in a game of wits where the murder itself turns out to be all too real.
Bad Connection

Bad Connection

Jul 05, 2023
When a downtrodden young waitress buys a stolen cell phone and discovers a snuff film on it, she soon finds herself on the run from a maniacal madman with a hunting knife who is hellbent on getting it back, and willing to slaughter anyone who stands in his way.


Aug 19, 2018
A bioengineering company releases a new product: Mungoes, human beings who have been stripped of all memories, feelings, and free will. They are stoic, docile, perfect for menial labor. The lead engineer, however, has bigger ideas for them, and begins secretly implanting them with artificial memories and emotions—and even the ability to love.
Science Fiction
Night Sweats

Night Sweats

Nov 14, 2019
New-York. Suite au décès brutal et mystérieux de son ami, un homme traque une société aux intentions louches, afin d’empêcher la propagation d’un virus mortel. Un thriller politico-médical dans la veine de Cronenberg.
The Neighbors' Window

The Neighbors' Window

Aug 02, 2019
Mariée et mère de trois enfants, Alli s'ennuie. Observant derrière sa fenêtre un couple amoureux qui s'est installé de l'autre côté de la rue, elle envie leur bonheur apparent.
The Andy Baker Tape

The Andy Baker Tape

Aug 12, 2022
In October of 2020 food blogger Jeff Blake and his half-brother Andy Baker hit the road on a food tour that had the potential to change their lives. They were never seen again. This is their footage…
The Andy Baker Tape

The Andy Baker Tape

Aug 12, 2022
In October of 2020 food blogger Jeff Blake and his half-brother Andy Baker hit the road on a food tour that had the potential to change their lives. They were never seen again. This is their footage…
The Andy Baker Tape

The Andy Baker Tape

Aug 12, 2022
In October of 2020 food blogger Jeff Blake and his half-brother Andy Baker hit the road on a food tour that had the potential to change their lives. They were never seen again. This is their footage…
The Andy Baker Tape

The Andy Baker Tape

Aug 12, 2022
In October of 2020 food blogger Jeff Blake and his half-brother Andy Baker hit the road on a food tour that had the potential to change their lives. They were never seen again. This is their footage…
The Andy Baker Tape

The Andy Baker Tape

Aug 12, 2022
In October of 2020 food blogger Jeff Blake and his half-brother Andy Baker hit the road on a food tour that had the potential to change their lives. They were never seen again. This is their footage…
The Andy Baker Tape

The Andy Baker Tape

Aug 12, 2022
In October of 2020 food blogger Jeff Blake and his half-brother Andy Baker hit the road on a food tour that had the potential to change their lives. They were never seen again. This is their footage…
The Andy Baker Tape

The Andy Baker Tape

Aug 12, 2022
In October of 2020 food blogger Jeff Blake and his half-brother Andy Baker hit the road on a food tour that had the potential to change their lives. They were never seen again. This is their footage…
The Andy Baker Tape

The Andy Baker Tape

Aug 12, 2022
In October of 2020 food blogger Jeff Blake and his half-brother Andy Baker hit the road on a food tour that had the potential to change their lives. They were never seen again. This is their footage…
The Good Wife

The Good Wife

May 08, 2016
L'épouse d'un homme politique voit sa vie bouleversée par l'incarcération de son mari à la suite d'un scandale sexuel et une affaire de corruption largement relayés par les médias. Dépassant la trahison et l'humiliation publique, Alicia Florrick décide reprendre sa carrière d'avocate après une pause de 13 ans loin des tribunaux. Elle rejoint un ami de longue date au sein d'un prestigieux cabinet de Chicago. Très vite, Alicia réalise que la compétition va être rude avec de jeunes recrues ambitieuses et déterminées. Mais au moins pour une fois, elle est prête à prendre en main sa propre destinée et détruire son image d'épouse modèle...
I Love You... But I Lied
Most relationships have secrets, but what if the lies are huge – will the relationship be destroyed forever? Each episode of this hourlong series tells two stories, based on actual events, in which lies lead to consequences for the people involved. Family secrets and personal betrayal are often at the center of the situations that lead to explosive confrontations and, eventually, attempts at making amends. Dramatic re-creations bring the stories to life.


May 28, 2023
La riche et puissante famille Roy, composée du patriarche Logan et de ses quatres enfants, contrôle l'un des plus gros conglomérats de médias du monde. Alors que leur père vieillissant se retire peu à peu de la compagnie, Connor, Kendall, Roman et Siobhan contemplent le futur de l'entreprise sans lui...
Orange Is the New Black
Lorsqu'un crime de jeunesse la rattrape, une New-Yorkaise privilégiée se retrouve dans une prison pour femmes, où elle se fait rapidement des amis et des ennemis.
Person of Interest

Person of Interest

Jun 21, 2016
Un agent paramilitaire de la CIA, présumé mort, est recruté par un millionnaire reclu pour travailler sur un projet top-secret : prévenir le crime avant qu'il ne se produise ! Un ingénieux programme élaboré par Finch identifie chaque jour des personnes qui vont être impliquées dans un crime. Victime ou coupable ? Reese va devoir mener l'enquête pour découvrir qui est en danger et empêcher qu'un nouveau meurtre soit commis...
Alpha House

Alpha House

Oct 24, 2014
Four Republican senators share the same D.C. house rental, and face re-election battles, looming indictments, and parties -- all with a sense of humor.
New York Unité Spéciale
Les inspecteurs qui font partie de la division des Crimes sexuels (SVU) du service de police de la ville de New York (NYPD) enquêtent sur des crimes de nature sexuelle. Alors que les autres émissions de la franchise de "La loi et l'ordre" se sont largement concentrées sur les cas de meurtres, les inspecteurs de la division des Crimes sexuels (SVU) ont souvent affaire à des crimes, tel le viol, auquel la victime survit et elle aide les autorités lors de l'enquête.