Miroslav Vrba

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Touha Sherlocka Holmese
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by criminal cases. Therefore he is the only one who does not see that his violin has no future. He solves the criminal mysteries in passing but the final test shows that the famous detective is tone-deaf.


Aug 01, 1984
Adaptation of Vladimir Paral's comic novel, which criticizes consumerism as an attitude of life.


Jan 11, 1996
Adam is a young farmer. As a child, fleeing the bleak reality of his mother's life as a prostitute, he tumbled from a mountain and was mentally injured. Years later, his mother is dying, so Adam sells their only cow to pay for medicine. Rosa, a beautiful young maid, fleeing the sexual exploitation of a wealthy butcher, climbs up to join them on their remote farm and dares to become part of Adam's world. A cycle of life begins again, in a remote turn-of-the-century village tied to the land and its animals.
DonT Stop

DonT Stop

Jun 14, 2012
Prague, 1983. The communist regime, in a suffocating atmosphere ruled over by the secret police, imposes "normalization". Miki and David need some kind of motivation to carry on in the communist wasteland. They discover The Clash's album 'London Calling' and, of course, decide to set up a punk band. But playing punk during normalization in Czechoslovakia isn't the best idea, an opinion shared not only by their horrified parents. Many decisions made under the influence of cheap alcohol and compulsive music could be more fatal than they initially seemed. A story about the revolt of some 18-year-olds against authority, against social norms, against adult duties and responsibility. It is about the search for one's own models and values. Although based on personal experiences from the early 1980s, it could have taken place at any time and anywhere, and is more than likely taking place somewhere right now.
Surviving Life (Theory and practice)
Film de semi animation complètement déjanté que nous propose Jan Švankmajer. On nous y présente un homme qui fait d’étranges rêves et qui consultera une psychanalyste pour tenter de les interpréter. Ces rêves lui permettent de côtoyer un homme qui lui ressemble, mais en plus jeune, et une jeune femme qu’il aimerait bien rencontrer dans le monde réel. D’ailleurs, à un certain point, le rêve et la réalité ne se confondent-ils pas? Il y a aussi cette maladie d’acheter des billets de loterie en pensant qu’il va gagner une fortune..