Ray Mancini

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Aigle de fer III

Aigle de fer III

Jan 09, 1992
Chappy Sinclair, pilote et instructeur chevronné de l'US Air Force, évite la retraite en s'engageant dans la troupe d'un cirque aérien. Ils s'appellent, pour le bonheur des petits et des grands, l'équipe des As. C'est alors qu'un ancien élève de Chappy, d'origine péruvienne, est tué dans le crash de son jet bourré de cocaine. Chappy est persuadé que son élève n'est pas un trafiquant. Les As vont tenter de l'innocenter.
Les Douze Salopards : Mission fatale
Vers la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Hitler décide d'envoyer des chefs militaires, politiques et scientifiques, en Turquie afin d'y établir un Quatrième Reich. Afin de se rendre sur place, ces hauts responsables montent à bord de l'Orient-Express. Pour contrer ce plan, le major Wright et ses douze salopards décident d'attaquer le train, loin de se douter qu'une horde de redoutables SS protègent le convoi.
The Search for One-eye Jimmy
While working on a documentary on his old neighborhood, a young film school graduate shifts the focus of his production onto the disappearance of a local resident and the strange characters who are conducting the search to find him.
Mutants in Paradise

Mutants in Paradise

Jan 01, 1984
A team of scientists create a pair of genetically modified "superbeings", but they must thwart Russian agents who are out to capture their creations.
Body and Soul

Body and Soul

Sep 01, 2000
Charlie Davis, an ambitious small-town boxer with dreams of making it as a professional, travels to Reno with his unwavering friend Tiny. On his climb to the top, he loses himself and the people he cares for most.
Opposite Corners

Opposite Corners

Feb 06, 1997
Avec l'aide de la box, Opposite Corners met en scène une lutte intérieur d'un adolescent essayant d'échapper à l'héritage violent mêlé à la mafia de son père.


Aug 16, 2022
A look back at the career of Greg Haugen, considered one of boxing's 'tough guys' from the 1980s. Fighting out of Tough Man Contests in Alaska, the undersized Haugen would win all of his matches before transitioning in to the sport of boxing. As an underdog in the majority of his significant bouts, Haugen would make an unlikely rise in becoming a two-time world champion.
Naked Movie

Naked Movie

Feb 24, 2008
A slew of Hollywood stars -- including Carmen Electra, Lou Diamond Phillips and David Carradine -- play themselves in this mockumentary about what it takes to get a movie made in Hollywood. When director Sam Henry Kass gets little help from his agent (Tori Spelling) in procuring funding for his flick, he turns to a porn king (Andy Dick) for bucks. Soon, however, Kass is relegated to directing adult videos, and the porn mogul has wrested control.


Mar 01, 1996
On l'appelle Bullet, mais Butch Stein est son véritable nom. Dès sa sortie de prison, Bullet replonge dans la drogue et la violence. A 35 ans, il n'attend rien d'autre de la vie que des deals, des règlements de compte et des virées en compagnie de son pote et de l'un de ses frères. Mais le trafic de cocaïne n'est pas un travail sans risque. On s'y fait vite des ennemis. Plus puissants ils sont, plus courte est votre espérance de vie. Celle de Bullet pourrait se limiter à bien peu de choses.


Apr 07, 2008
Mike Terry possède un dojo où il enseigne le jiu-jitsu ainsi que la self-défense et les techniques de combat à mains nues. Faisant honneur à son maître laissé derrière lui au Brésil, il s'obstine à refuser de participer aux compétitions pour garder intact l'esprit du guerrier, mais suite à des circonstances, il a dû faire une entorse à sa doctrine.
Traficant: The Congressman of Crimetown
Jim Traficant was a legendary quarterback turned mob busting Walking Tall Sheriff who rose to power on a platform of “honesty in politics”. He quickly ascended to the hallowed halls of Congress, becoming its most outspoken member. "Jimbo" as his die-hard supporters called him, was known for his polyester thrift store suits, shock top wigs, vulgar humor and profanity laced rhetoric against the FBI, IRS, and every president since Reagan. His one minute speeches made C-SPAN must see programming, as he signed off with his patented “Beam Me Up!” In his post-industrial hometown of Youngstown, Ohio -- dubbed Crimetown, USA for being the most mobbed up city in America -- "Jimbo" was a living legend, once garnering more than 90% of the vote. However, the eccentric maverick also had a dark side, becoming only the second Member of Congress expelled since the Civil War, eventually spending over seven years in federal prison on bribery and tax evasion charges.
Oceans of Fire

Oceans of Fire

Sep 16, 1986
Ben, a former Navy officer now works on a rig as the guy in charge, but since a lot of crew keeps dying whilst diving and planting the rig in the sea he needs men who are willing to take the risk. He gets in touch with an old friend from the Navy who works in a prison as sort of an diving training base and there Ben selects out the best to complete the task, but with superiors breathing down his neck, a camera crew now jumping on board and a deadline to meet he wants to finish the job and make sure the men stay alive, but not all things work out as he plans.
Pari mortel

Pari mortel

Apr 16, 1992
Jeff Wincott joue contre un joueur qui met sa vie en danger pour se sortir des griffes d’un gangster.
Turn of Faith

Turn of Faith

Jun 05, 2002
The story of three friends who grew up in the same tough neighborhood and chose three very different paths. Joey became a cop, Frank became a priest, and Bobby went into the family business. No matter what happened, their loyalty was always to each other... until their friendship was given the ultimate test. Philly Russo, a father figure to the three friends, turns out not to be the man they once thought he was.
Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate

Jan 01, 1995
A FBI agent going back to his home town. He have to decide if he should be true to his job or take care of his brother who is on the wrong side of the law.
Bad Frank

Bad Frank

Jul 04, 2017
Frank Pierce leads a seemingly normal life, but when a disturbing past reemerges & something precious is taken from him, his mask of sanity loosens & unearths the urge to be violent once again.
Moi, Bruce Lee

Moi, Bruce Lee

Feb 09, 2012
Le réalisateur retrace les grands moments de la carrière de la légende des arts martiaux. Né dans le quartier de Chinatown, à San Francisco, Bruce Lee a grandi à Hong Kong. Acteur, réalisateur et producteur, Bruce Lee a révolutionné le cinéma d'action en imposant un nouveau genre : le cinéma kung-fu. Composé d'extraits de sa filmographie, de témoignages de ses proches, dont sa veuve, Linda Lee Cadwell, d'experts en arts martiaux et de boxeurs, tel Manny Pacquiao, ce documentaire se veut un hommage à la star du kung-fu disparue en 1973.


May 25, 1991
Le Colonel Taylor charge des tueurs de retrouver Eddie Kay, que la CIA croyait mort au Vietnam. Mais Kay, qui découvre qu'on essaie de l'assassiner, a peu à peu des hallucinations. Aidé par une psychothérapeute, il se rend compte qu'il a été victime de manipulations psychiques qui ont fait de lui un tueur.
Science Fiction
Backstreet Dreams

Backstreet Dreams

Sep 29, 1990
Pris dans l'engrenage de la violence, de l'extorsion et de la drogue, Dean Costello est un gangster à la petite semaine qui a de grands rêves pour lui-même et son fils autiste, Shane. Lorsque son mariage avec Ludy s'effondre et que les médecins lui annoncent qu'il n'y a plus d'espoir pour son fils, il se tourne vers une riche psychologue pour enfants, Stephanie "Stevie" Bloom, dans un dernier effort pour atteindre Shane. Stevie tente de convaincre Dean qu'il doit s'engager auprès de Shane et laisser derrière lui sa vie dans la rue. Mais le monde violent de Dean continue de le hanter et menace de détruire les rêves qu'il a pour son fils, pour lui-même et pour Stevie. Dans une ultime bataille, il doit faire face à des chances écrasantes... seul.
Turn of Faith

Turn of Faith

Jun 05, 2002
The story of three friends who grew up in the same tough neighborhood and chose three very different paths. Joey became a cop, Frank became a priest, and Bobby went into the family business. No matter what happened, their loyalty was always to each other... until their friendship was given the ultimate test. Philly Russo, a father figure to the three friends, turns out not to be the man they once thought he was.
Inside MMA

Inside MMA

Feb 19, 2016
Inside MMA on Mark Cuban's HDNet television network combines the strengths of the best news and sports programs on television to go deeper into the world of mixed martial arts than any other show can. A combination of talk, highlights, analysis and in-depth reporting allow the show to cover the fighting world from every angle. Since its inception in 2007, “Inside MMA” has pioneered mixed martial arts coverage and is credited with helping one of the fastest growing sports in the world continue it’s massive growth and gain mainstream acceptance. Award winning sports reporter, Kenny Rice, co-hosts with former UFC heavyweight champion and King of Pancrase, Bas Rutten, as they welcome the biggest personalities in MMA. The humor and enthusiasm of Rutten and his years of experience as a premiere fighter and coach compliment Rice and his hard-nosed journalistic style that doesn’t shy from the many controversies that surround the sport.