Samantha Melanie Coates

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Until We Meet Again The Series
Trente ans auparavant, Korn et Intouch étaient étudiants à l'université de Bangkok. Intouch est entré dans la vie de Korn alors qu'il savait qu'il appartenait à la mafia. D'abord repoussé par Korn, ce dernier n'a finalement pu résister à ce garçon plein de vie, dont il était l'opposé, et lui a ouvert son cœur. Mais l'homosexualité était alors jugée inacceptable, et leurs parents s'opposant à leur relation, leur amour était voué à l'échec. Korn ne pouvant faire face à cette souffrance, il décida d'abandonner et ce jour-là, il y eut deux coups de feu. Mais selon les mythes populaires, lorsqu'une histoire d'amour se termine de façon tragique, si cet amour est assez fort, il est susceptible de perdurer par delà la mort. De nos jours, Dean et Pharm sont deux étudiants qui font des rêves étranges, depuis leur enfance, et sont par moments submergés par une profonde tristesse. Lorsqu'ils se croisent à l'université, sans comprendre pourquoi, ils sont bouleversés...
7 Project

7 Project

Sep 20, 2021
"7 Project" is an anthology series about campus romance. Through music and video, different love issues are presented representing diverse experiences of love
7 Project

7 Project

Sep 20, 2021
"7 Project" is an anthology series about campus romance. Through music and video, different love issues are presented representing diverse experiences of love
Bunny-cute university student Rak's partner cheats on him with Rak's own best friend. This new period of hurt gives bad boy hazer Dino the opportunity to hit on Rak straightforwardly. Dino isn't afraid to make his feelings known. Unwavering, he waits for his junior to be shaken and open his heart to going out with him.
Star in my mind

Star in my mind

Jul 22, 2022
Daonuea avait le béguin pour Kabkluen au lycée et a avoué ses sentiments le dernier jour de sa dernière année. Cependant, il fut gentiment rejeté par Kabkluen. Maintenant qu'il entre à l'université, Daonuea découvre que l'un de ses camarades de dortoir n'est autre que son amour de lycée, Kabkleun. Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous cessez d’aimer quelqu’un mais qu’il commence à vous aimer ?
My Gear and Your Gown

My Gear and Your Gown

Nov 23, 2020
Pai est un étudiant en médecine et ancien président du club académique de l'école. Il n'a pas confiance en son apparence et ne croit pas en l'amour. Mais quand il fait la connaissance de Itt, un bel étudiant ingénieur, l'ancien président du club de sport, à qui il donne des cours particuliers. Pai, va alors ressentir peu à peu des sentiments pour lui. Peu importe ce qui se passe, mon engrenage ne correspond qu'à ta blouse.
Unforgotten Night

Unforgotten Night

Sep 07, 2022
Kim tente d’oublier un premier amour sans espoir en passant la nuit avec Kamol, un mafieux en quête d’un partenaire pouvant répondre à ses besoins… particuliers. Satisfait de sa nuit, Kamol décide de courtiser Kim.
In the semester-long program BUDDYHERE, a "Budder" is assigned to look after a "Buddy," whose identity they don't know. The Buddy can try to guess their Budder’s identity, and if successful, they earn the right to be cared for by them for the rest of the semester.
Love by Chance

Love by Chance

Nov 18, 2020
Pete est un grand et beau jeune homme, et est aussi populaire auprès des filles. Mais à leur grand regret, ce dernier est gay. Trump, un de ses camarades, lui tend un piège, et par la suite le fait chanter pour de l'argent. Quelques jours après, Pete fait la connaissance de Ae, un des joueurs de l'équipe du foot de la fac. Ce dernier vole à son secours alors qu'il se fait tourmenter par Trump. Suite à cet incident, Ae devient en quelque sorte le garde du corps de Pete et ce dernier en tombe amoureux. Il décide pourtant de garder ses sentiments pour lui, sachant pertinemment qu'Ae est hétéro...
The life of Phraphye, a kind-hearted woman who owns a flower shop. What makes her unique is her incredible ability to smell emotions through the fragrance of flowers. One day, she is entrusted with the task of delivering a bouquet to the movie gala where Vadthiwa, the lead actress, is being honoured. Upon meeting Vadthiwa, Phraphye immediately senses a deep sadness emanating from her. As their friendship blossoms, Vadthiwa and Phraphye begin to realize that they have feelings for each other. Throughout the series, we see the relationship between Vadthiwa and Phraphye grow. Parallel to this, we also witness the budding romance between Phanmile and Khian-Tawan.
Team is a talented swimmer who just entered university. However, when it comes to swim competitions, he's never able to perform to the best of his abilities. When swim team upperclassman Win comes to know that the problem doesn't lie in Team's abilities or dedication, but rather his trauma and the sleeping difficulties it causes, he offers up his own room for Team to stay in. With the comfort of company, Team's performance starts to improve and feelings start to grow between the two young men. But Team isn't the only one with issues from his past preventing him from moving forward. Win struggles with how to handle receiving love and how to give special treatment to those closest to him. Occurring parallel to the events of "Until We Meet Again," this story focuses on how Win and Team come to know and inspire growth in each other.
เธมโป้ Heart That Skips a Beat
When Po is tasked with documenting boy group Mars's final concert before their disbandment, he inadvertently becomes the closest confidant of leader Thame. Despite his wishes, Thame's about to make his debut in South Korea, leaving the rest of the group—Dylan, Jun, Nano and Pepper—behind, rife with misunderstanding.
เดือนเกี้ยวเดือน 2
Wayo is accepted to Kantaphat University in the Faculty of Sciences. There he reencounters Phana, a second-year boy he's long been in love with, though he had never managed to talk to him. When Wayo has the chance to become the “moon” of his faculty, the two are thrust together as Phana, himself the former “moon” of the medical faculty, must supervise the freshmen participating in the competition. Despite a scathing first encounter, the two slowly get closer and closer. Wayo gets to know Phana's friends, Beam and Kit; Kit who Ming, Wayo’s best friend, forms an unlikely bond with and who he begins to court despite Kit's initial distaste.
What the Duck - The Series
Pop et Mo sont un jeune couple. Pop rêve de devenir stewart. Afin de rester à ses côtés, Mo décide de devenir hôtesse de l’air, mais elle seule réussi l'examen et entre dans une compagnie aérienne . Pop travaille alors à contrecœur dans le service de restauration de la compagnie aérienne afin d'être près des avions, de sa petite amie et de la profession dont il rêve. Il voit avec sa rencontre avec Oat, un collègue, sa définition de l’amour changer. Au travail, il obtient très vite le statut de "femme d'Oat" car celui-ci aime l’irriter et le taquiner souvent. Ils deviennent involontairement des rivaux sur le lieu de travail. Oat l'agace beaucoup, tellement que Pop ne sait pas quoi faire de lui. Mais sans s'en rendre compte, la relation de cette paire passe de l'irritation à quelque chose de plus doux et solide... Dans le même temps, Mo fait la connaissance de Nick, un beau pilote stagiaire de la compagnie, qui lui est très dévoué.
รักวุ่น วัยรุ่นแสบ
Punn has a girlfriend, but his father wants him to date his friend's daughter. Punn's little sister, Pang, is obsessed with boys' love. Punn's father doesn't listen to Punn well but adores his little sister Pang. So Punn needs to convince Pang that he has a boyfriend so that she can help talk their father out of the idea of dating his friend's daughter. Noh is in need of a higher school budget for his school club, or he will be in huge trouble. Punn knowing he is able to help Noh out with his problem, decides to ask Noh to become his fake boyfriend in exchange for helping Noh raise funds for his Music Club. However, the two 17-year-old high school boys eventually fall in love after the deal brings them closer together.
We Are

We Are

Jul 17, 2024
Phum est un joueur de basket tandis que Pheem est un artiste. Rien ne pourrait les rapprocher, et encore moins l’aversion de Pheem pour le basketteur. Mais ne dit-on pas qu’entre l’amour et la haine il n’y a qu’un pas ?
Us รักของเรา
Eighteen-year-old Dokrak decides to take a gap year to find herself after finishing high school. She has a part-time job at a coworking space coffee shop, Cuf & Co. It's here that she crosses paths with twenty-two-year-old dentistry student Pam who 's a regular at the café to hit the books. As she gets to know Pam, Dokrak develops a crush. When her brother, however, meets Pam, he falls for her at first sight. Kawi turns to Dokrak, asking her to play matchmaker. Because she loves him and wants to see him happy, Dokrak begins coaching him. As time goes on, however, she finds herself unable to ignore her growing feelings for Pam. Before she knows it, she's fully in love and Pam is Kawi's girlfriend.
Elementary school teacher Pobmek doesn't like kids, but his boyfriend Teacher Solar does, and he likes Solar more than enough to make up for it. When he suffers an accident, however, Solar is left with brain damage, reverting mentally at times to the age of seven. After he takes Nong Solar back home, there are days when Pobmek doesn't get any respite from children.
Easter intentionally attends a university in the north of Thailand. He hopes to find a new place to erase the memories of his ex-relationship, which ended unclearly. But who thinks that he will meet with Hill, his ex-relationship, again at this university? And it is the beginning of a relationship that will not end in the same way ever. At the same time, his roommate, North, also faces chaos because he was drunk and caused a quarrel, then woke up with the debt. But it could be more chaotic because the god just sent him a flirtatious and very spoiled creditor, Johan.