A new challenge for WEST., who will celebrate their 10th anniversary since their debut in 2024. They have teamed up with WOWOW to exclusively broadcast and stream an original live performance with a completely new concept!
A variety show featuring the members of the group WEST, who take on the role of reporters as they investigate unusual and intriguing topics. In each episode, two members conduct on-site reports, while the rest of the group watches and reacts from the studio.
Yuzuko Nanakusa was betrayed by her husband. She now raises her son and daughter as a single mom, in addition to working at a company. One day, the company she works for goes bankrupt suddenly. She loses her salary and savings. While not knowing what to do next, Yuzuko Nanakusa is contacted by attorney Shinichi Kakihara. They went to the same high school together.
Le petit univers parfait d'Ayumi, une lycéenne, vole en éclats lorsque Zenko, une camarade de classe jalouse, lui vole son corps, son petit ami, et toute sa vie.
Les garçons de Johnny's West incarnent une bande déjantée de lycéens transférés, recrutés pour une mystérieuse mission commanditée par leur énigmatique directeur.