Blagovest Argirov

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Two friends from their student years are dating. One of them is the director of a peasant school, and the other is an impresario in show business. Memories bring them back to their youth. What have they lost and what have they kept over the years? These questions are answered by the heroes at dawn, after a stormy night.


Nov 21, 2007
Crâne rasé, code barre tatoué sur la nuque, costume noir, chemise blanche et cravate rouge : l'agent 47 est le plus mystérieux et le plus insaisissable des tueurs professionnels. Réputé pour la minutie avec laquelle il va jusqu'au bout de ses missions, il obéit toujours à un protocole strict : extrême vigilance, extrême discrétion et extrême soin apporté à l'exécution de ses contrats. Patience et détermination sont ses deux armes de prédilection. Rien ne l'arrête. Sa signature : l'absence de preuves. Sa spécialité : disparaître sitôt sa mission accomplie. Un vrai fantôme, obligé de se découvrir le jour où Belicoff, candidat aux élections russes, lui tend un piège. Avec Interpol, les services secrets russes et trois tueurs de sa propre agence à ses trousses, l'agent 47 est contraint de briser son propre protocole pour mener à bien sa mission...
Скъпа моя, скъпи мой
This interesting melodrama with a dash of political realism looks at the difficult adjustment to life in the city after a life in the countryside. Anna (Marianna Dimitrova) and her husband Ivan (Plamen Sirakov) move to the capital of Sofia in search of advancement. He works the day shift in a factory, and she works at night in a textile mill. That arrangement allows one of them to always be home with the children. Much to Anna's chagrin, a fellow worker develops a passion for her and almost drives a wedge between herself and her husband. Meanwhile, the owner of the villa they now share needs to use it again, so the two have to find an apartment. Worse yet, Anna's mother dies unexpectedly. But at least her death takes them back home and gives them a chance to re-examine their values before city life shreds them completely.