Stephen R. Bissette

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Everything to Entertain You: The Story of Video Headquarters
A 60 minute documentary on one of the greatest video stores in the country, Video Headquarters, from Keene, New Hampshire that existed for 32 years from 1983-2015. It's owner, Ken McAleer, was a prominent figure among independent video store owners and the documentary examines how one man, with a single video store, can have such a big impact in the industry. A labor of love from a first time filmmaker and former employee, this nostalgic look back at the video store era includes interviews with VHQ owner Ken McAleer, employees, comic artist and former video store owner, Stephen Bissette, and a treasure trove of archival photographs and documents from the store.
Sasqua: The Lost Bigfoot Film of Massachusetts
In the early 1970s, a band of regional New England filmmakers and locals came together to create and release what is now considered a lost holy grail Bigfoot horror film called, SASQUA. The film experienced a brief run in theaters and drive-ins in both New England and in the Southern USA, before ultimately disappearing. Through rare photographs and footage, as well as interviews with those sharing their personal stories about the production for the very first time, Sasqua: The Lost Bigfoot Film of Massachusetts will take viewers back into the New England woods in the hope of understanding what happened to this nearly 50-year old lost monster movie.
Danger: Diabolik - From Fumetti to Film
Famous comic book artist Stephen R. Bissette, creator of DC Comic Book character "The Swamp Thing" and co-creator of the comic character "Constantine" teaches film appreciation and the art of comic book illustration in rural Vermont. Bissette is a life-long fan of DANGER: DIABOLIK and in "From Fumetti to Film," Bissette gives us a guided tour of how, in his own words, DANGER: DIABOLIK was "...the best adaptation of comic book to feature film bar none." His concepts of how the apparent 2-dimensional world of comic book illustrations were faithfully, but imaginatively re-interpreted by director Mario Bava are enhanced with side by side comparisons of the original comic book images laid next to film clips. Other films and television adaptations of comic books in that era were less successful, according to Bissette.
Who Is Bill Rebane?

Who Is Bill Rebane?

May 24, 2021
A feature-length documentary on the life and work of Wisconsin grindhouse cinema auteur Bill Rebane, featuring historians, critics, and filmmakers, plus cast and crew members who worked with Rebane himself.

Mar 24, 2018

Une décennie après une erreur tragique, le père de famille Chas et le détective de l’occulte John Constantine ont entrepris de guérir la fille de Chas, Trish, d’un mystérieux coma surnaturel. Avec l’aide de la mystérieuse Nightmare Nurse, de l’influente Queen of Angels et du dieu aztèque brutal Mictlantecuhtli, la paire a une chance de se montrer plus malin que le démon Beroul pour sauver l’âme de Trish. Dans un monde d’ombres et de magie noire, tout n’est pas ce qu’il paraît, et il y a toujours un prix à payer. Le chemin de la rédemption n’est jamais facile et si Constantine veut réussir, il devra naviguer à travers la partie sombre et urbaine de Los Angeles, se défaire des plus rusés rejetons de l’enfer, et affronter son ennemi juré Nergal – tout en combattant ses propres démons intérieurs !